| The Governing Board has approved today the presentation of these proposals to the call for aid from the general direction of the Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE) | The City Council, through the European Programs service, dependent on the Department of Urban Agenda and Open Government, requests funds from the European Union for the development of five projects in the field of electricity production through micro-photovoltaics for the self-consumption.For this, the Governing Board has approved today the presentation by the City Council to the call for aid from the general direction of the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), based on Order TED / 766/2020, of August 3, which establishes the regulatory bases for the concession, in a competitive competition regime, of investment aid in electricity generation facilities with renewable energy sources, which may be co-financed with Union funds European.The Local Energy Agency of Murcia is the body in charge of selecting the five proposals, whose total budget amounts to 208,555 euros.
The microphotovoltaic solar installation is an energy production system whose installed power is between 10kw and 100kw.In this way, the projects susceptible to participate in the IDEA call are:-Microphotovoltaic solar installation for self-consumption: El Infante 'Fire Station.
Total budget: 40,777 euros.
Estimated energy produced: 22.10 MWh-Microphotovoltaic solar installation for self-consumption: Centro Cultural de Zarandona.
Total budget: 38,308 euros.
Estimated produced energy: 18.70 MWh.-Microphotovoltaic solar installation for self-consumption: Local Police of Beniaján.
Budget: 35,211 euros.
Estimated produced energy: 16.60 MWh.- Microphotovoltaic solar installation for self-consumption: Infante Pool.
Budget: 46,827 euros.
Estimated energy produced: 28.23 MWh.- Microphotovoltaic solar installation for self-consumption: Puente Tocinos Pool.
Budget: 47,432 euros.
Estimated energy produced: 28.05 MWh.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia / Foto: archivo