| The investment plan and maintenance of infrastructure in districts reaches 7.9 million euros | The Councilor for Citizen Security and Economic Management, Eduardo Martínez-Oliva; and the mayor of Commerce, Markets and Public Roads, Juan Fernando Hernández, have presented this morning the 2020 budget project that has been approved in an extraordinary Governing Board.The municipal accounts for this year amounted to 422,955,136 euros, which represents a decrease of 1.63% compared to last year, when it was established at 429,948,853 euros.This Budget Project is marked by the consequences of COVID-19 and, therefore, has a marked social character, collecting part of the measures of the Murcia Plan for Economic and Social Reactivation, both in expenses and income, with the containment and reduction of fiscal chargesIn terms of income, the forecasts have been revised with respect to those at the beginning of the year, to introduce the fiscal measures taken to mitigate the effects of the health and economic crisis for families, SMEs and the self-employed, which mainly affect the ICIO, with a reduction in the rate tax for certain returns, to the reduction of the rate for waste collection for taxpayers whose activity has ceased due to the declaration of the state of alarm, to occupations of the public thoroughfare with tables and chairs and stalls, booths and barracks with reductions of rates.
In addition, the collection of all local taxes has been delayed, also expanding the payment facilities to citizens."This means another year without tax increases, and it has already been 7 since 2013, in addition to the maintenance of all tax benefits.
As an example, the urban IBI register for 2018, just two years ago, was 119.9 million of euros, while that of 2020 is 110.9 million euros, which represents ten million euros less, affecting this reduction mainly to homes located in districts ", explained Councilor Martínez-Oliva.Starting point for future budget yearsFor his part, Councilor Juan Fernando Hernández has highlighted the work carried out by the government in coalition to carry out this budget after reorienting municipal expenditures and allocating them to reinforce social care measures and economic reactivation to face the crisis derived from the pandemic, placing the citizen at the center of management.In this way, Hernández has assured that "the priority is to launch social actions and economic stimulus to reactivate the municipality in the shortest time possible and continue to maintain the quality of public services."For this, the Minister of Commerce, Markets and Public Roads has stressed that "this budget is the starting point for future budget exercises aimed at promoting and developing all the measures contemplated by the Municipal Economic and Social Reactivation Plan."In expenses, there is a 3.4% increase in Chapter 1 of Personnel to meet commitments such as hiring motivated by the COVID-19 health crisis in services such as Health, Social Services, Housing, Nursery Schools and Plazas and Markets and the increase of the remuneration of public employees approved in Royal Decree Law 24/2018, which has been 2%.The budget includes an increase of 5 million euros for spending in the social and housing area, thus complying with the Reactivation Plan, specifically 25% more than in 2019, reaching 25.1 million euros.Similarly, spending related to employment policies and activities, economic promotion and tourism increased by 2.1 million euros, reaching 6.4 million euros, representing an increase of almost 34% compared to 2019 budget, which is also contemplated in the Economic Reactivation Plan.Regarding programs related to well-being for the elderly, minors, women and families, it has increased by 22.4%, from 18.6 to 25 million euros.The investments of the Budget Project decrease with respect to last year and stand at 25.47 million euros, but an extraordinary credit file is simultaneously processed for strategic projects for the city that represents 16.250 million for urban development projects in neighborhoods and districts, administrative streamlining, improved mobility, energy efficiency or improvement of green spaces.
In total there are 41.7 million euros, 8.6% more than expected in 2019.Compliance with the Citizen Participation Regulation and the judgment of the Supreme CourtCouncilor Martínez-Oliva has emphasized that "in compliance with the provisions of the Citizen Participation Regulation, which establishes the minimum 8% for direct management of districts, this budget reaches 12.28% (29 million euros ), considering the direct and indirect expenses and excluding others that also have an impact on the districts and that have not been considered, such as the costs of infrastructure maintenance contracts or existing buildings in districts and the basic public services that all Murcians receive regardless from where they live, since in this case it will exceed 100 million euros ".18.5 million euros for the underground arrival of the AVEThe Murcia City Council complies with its commitments established in the Murcia High Speed ??agreement for the underground arrival of the AVE to the municipality.
In 2020, 5,686,000 euros will be allocated which, together with the contributions from previous years, are already 18.5 million euros that the City Council has allocated to this fundamental infrastructure for the development of the city.Investments planned in the budgetThe most important investments foreseen in the budget project for this year are the following:- District Maintenance Plan: 2 million euros- Asphalt renovation plan in neighborhoods: 1 million euros- Investments associated with public transport: 0.4 million euros- Investments associated with Parks and Gardens: 1 million euros- Expropriations (Monteagudo and Barriomar): 1.2 million euros- Plan de acción de la Huerta (recuperación de molinos): 0,2 millones de euros- AVE: 5,6 millones de euros- Vivienda (ampliación, renovación, accesibilidad...): 1,5 millones de eurosInversiones en pedanías: 5,9 millones de euros- Escuelas Infantiles: 1,3 millones de euros- Adecuación del Centro de Iniciativas Municipales: 0,4 millones de eurosProyectos estratégicosEl Plan Extraordinario de aplicación de remanentes de crédito, que suma un total de 16.250.000 euros, incluye los siguientes proyectos estratégicos:- Plan de acción de huerta (expropiación de fincas en el entorno del Parque Oeste de Barriomar) PEDANÍAS: 1.300.000 euros- Murcia Río (infraestructuras para la mejora de la conectividad y la accesibilidad entre el río y la estación del Carmen): 2.900.000 euros- Instalaciones y equipamiento del Cuartel de Artillería, Cárcel Vieja y otros espacios municipales: 750.000 euros.- Fortalezas del Rey Lobo (adecuación del espacio público, calles, plazas, zonas verdes y entornos históricos.
Restauración de elementos patrimoniales del sitio histórico) PEDANÍAS: 1.150.000 euros.- Movilidad sostenible (creación de plataformas reservadas para transporte público (autobuses o bicicletas), aparcamientos disuasorios y suministros para una movilidad más sostenible): 2.900.000 euros- Vía Verde de la Costera Sur (segunda fase: recuperación de edificios, alumbrado, mobiliario público...) PEDANÍAS: 1.500.000 euros.- ADN Urbano (intervención en calles y plazas, peatonalizaciones, alumbrado, mobiliario público, creación de pequeñas infraestructuras...): 550.000 euros- Smart City (programa MOVES, eficiencia energética en todo el municipio de Murcia, instalación de paneles sonares...): 2.975.000 euros- Pedanías (construcción, ampliación y mejora de las infraestructuras en centros deportivos, culturales, sociales, educativos y recreativos, mejora de la vía pública): 2.225.000 euros.955 euros de gasto por habitanteEl gasto total por habitante que contempla este presupuesto es de 955 euros, siendo el del pasado ejercicio de 949.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia