| José Ballesta: "The rate of growth of cities is today the highest in human history and we must achieve an intelligent balance between economic competitiveness , social cohesion and environmental sustainability "| The mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, together with the councilor for Urban Agenda and Open Government, Mercedes Bernabé, and the director of the Energy and Environment Technology Center (CETENMA), Gemma Castejón, presented today the Diagnosis of Circular Economy of the Municipality of Murcia, a technical and participatory document, whose conclusions show that "Murcia has great potential to make the transition to a circular economy model effective"."Murcia is perceived as one of the European cities that is most concerned about implementing circular economy initiatives and increasing its level of circularity," said the mayor of Murcia, who indicated that "with the collaboration and active participation of society Murcian civil and technical specialists from the different areas, today we are taking a new step to achieve a more sustainable municipality ”.The analysis of the urban metabolism of the municipality shows that Murcia is moving towards sustainability in terms of water, energy and waste.
Among the positive aspects, in addition to the high number of initiatives related to the circular economy that are already underway, the predisposition on the part of all the agents involved, as well as the tradition of the municipality of Murcia with regard to local trade, stand out.
and proximity, among other factors.In this sense, the mayor indicated that "in Murcia we have about thirty projects and initiatives that incorporate the circular economy in areas such as mobility, climate, water, waste management, Smart city or La Huerta", stressed the mayor.The event was also attended by the Councilor for Sustainable Mobility and Youth, Rebeca Pérez, and the Councilor for Sustainable Development and Huerta, Antonio Navarro.The Diagnosis is the starting point of the future StrategyKnowing the degree of circularity of the municipality is the starting point with which the City Council will lay the foundations of the future Circular Economy Strategy of the Municipality of Murcia, a document aligned with the current plans for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change, as well as with the Urban Agenda 2030.The circular economy model is one in which the value of resources, materials and products is maintained for as long as possible in the production system, minimizing the consumption of natural resources, as well as the generation of waste."The rate of growth of cities is today the highest in the history of humanity and from the Murcia City Council we are aware that the cities with the most success in the future will be those that achieve an intelligent balance between the different components of the trilogy urban: economic competitiveness, social cohesion and environmental sustainability ”, indicated the mayor.The Diagnosis indicates the way to achieve a greater degree of circularity in areas such as waste streams, the connection of the city with its surroundings, the development of sustainable mobility, the increase of green areas, the alignment and coordination between Strategies and initiatives as well as access to information to evaluate and monitor initiatives, together with public awareness.Urban metabolismThe analysis of the urban metabolism of the municipality shows that Murcia is moving towards sustainability in terms of water, energy and waste.
However, it is necessary to successfully implement new mobility strategies, which are already being worked on, in order to reduce levels of air pollution as well as other associated impacts.On the other hand, the urban reuse of everyday products (clothing, furniture and appliances, among others), must go one step further, that is, re-enter the chain of consumption to achieve its reuse by citizens, which which will also generate new business models.The urban metabolism study shows the main inflows to the municipality.
On the one hand, the amounts of water entering the municipality (drinking water, underground water and water for irrigation through the ditches) and on the other the electrical energy, fuel consumption and generation of renewable energy.
Below are some data on the urban metabolism of Murcia in 2019:CO2 emissions in the municipality of Murcia amounted to a total of 1,291,773 Tn in 2019 (between emissions of electricity, gasoline, diesel A, diesel B, diesel C, fuel oil, kerosene, natural gas, LPG, butane propane and Others This includes the consumptions of the public administration, the domestic sector, hospitality, shops and services, as well as transport fuels, and the sectors of agriculture, livestock, water management and solid waste.The annual volume of water consumed in the municipality of Murcia reached 30,431,661 m3 in 2019.The tons of MSW selectively collected in the municipality of Murcia were 204,236 (451kg / inhabitant) and the waste in the ecopoints and the ecopark reached 699,704 kg.
The goods collected by the non-profit associations reached 763 tons and the quantities destined for reuse reached 48.46 tons.The electricity billing in the municipality of Murcia in 2019 was 1,959,697 MWh, with a total of 607,503 tons of CO2 emissions.In the last 5 years, the consumption of gasoline 98 has increased significantly, finding variations of 36% compared to 2015, while diesel B has decreased by 8% in the automotive sector, in line with the decrease in the number of diesel cars sold.Emissions from the agriculture and livestock sectors in the municipality of Murcia amount to 53,524 tons per year.The production of electrical energy from renewable sources in the municipality of Murcia (solar, wind, hydroelectric and biogas) amounts to 210,696 MWhIn Murcian homes there are losses of 12.7 thousand tons of food waste.Participatory processThe participatory process has had the essential collaboration of Murcian citizens, the Social Council of the City of Murcia, municipal technicians, concession and private companies, researchers, associations and non-profit organizations.
Specifically, it has been carried out through 3 participation tables with 57 attendees, a citizen participation mailbox with 470 surveys and 7 personal interviews.Lines of actionPara el desarrollo del Diagnóstico se han definido 6 ejes estratégicos de circularidad: consumo, gestión de los residuos, gestión del agua, sostenibilidad de los espacios urbanos, movilidad y políticas de transversalidad.
Para ello se ha tenido en cuenta los ejes propuestos en la metodología definida por la FEMP (FEMP, 2020), así como las características singulares del municipio de Murcia entre las que se encuentran: sus recursos, situación socioeconómica, infraestructuras, nivel de concienciación ciudadana y empresarial, así como las políticas desarrolladas en los últimos años.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia