| Mayor José Ballesta has chaired the meeting of the Public Health Committee, in which the Local Action Plan for the Increase has been presented of Epidemiological Risk in the Municipality of Murcia | The mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, this morning chaired the meeting of the municipality's Public Health Committee, in which the launch of the Local Action Plan against the Increased Epidemiological Risk in the Municipality of Murcia was announced.This Plan seeks to guarantee the safety and containment of infections with a view to the return to routine activity in all sectors (educational, health, social, cultural, administrative ...).
This document is transversal to all councils and encompasses all areas of the Municipal Government.One of the measures agreed this morning has to do with increasing the number of Covid points that will provide service in the municipality and that will reinforce the activity carried out in the provision of the El Carmen health center.
The new points will be installed in the areas with the most sensitive population centers.Coordination between Health, Social Services, Police and Civil ProtectionMayor Ballesta has highlighted that "the coordinated work being carried out by the Health Area, Social Services, Local Police and Protection has allowed us to have perfectly located all active cases in the municipality.
It is time for responsibility, but also for coordination and decision-making, which is what the City Council is doing ".The Local Police will be extremely vigilant to ensure compliance with all the established regulations and to avoid agglomerations and concentrations, as well as large bottles being held.
The agents have received precise, specific and concrete instructions in this regard.The intensification of the work carried out by the police will be reflected in all the neighborhoods and districts, in line with the work that they are already developing and that has allowed the dissolution of citizen concentrations that occurred spontaneously on weekends in the surroundings from the Rambla de Torreagüera, at certain points in Barriomar and at La FICA.3,375 complaints for not wearing a maskLikewise, since last July 18, the agents have filed 3,375 complaints against citizens for not using the mask and have processed more than thirty files at premises that have been sanctioned for excess capacity and for not respecting the closing time.
The Local Police is proceeding in this way in compliance with the guidelines set by the decree that includes the measures to be followed to avoid the contagion of Covid-19In parallel, the Government Team is going to undertake a detailed review of all public events of a cultural nature that are scheduled to take place in the remaining days of August and at the beginning of September.
The technicians will evaluate each case individually and decide on the suitability of its maintenance or suspension.The Murcia City Council is also going to proceed to develop a specific plan to intensify and increase cleaning and disinfection work in public school facilities in order to have all centers conditioned for the return to activity in classrooms by the start of the next school year.Special protocol for libraries, study rooms and citizen service officesSpecific action protocols will also be applied to guarantee security in other dependencies, such as libraries, study rooms, citizen service offices and other municipal buildings.The meeting held today of the Public Health Committee represents another step in the management that the Murcia City Council has been carrying out of the pandemic.
The meeting this morning is the continuation of the meeting of the Coronavirus Monitoring Committee that was held last week and in which Mayor Ballesta established the 15 strategic lines to follow to contain contagions in the municipality.The Consistory also maintains permanent coordination with the municipal boards to monitor the active cases that exist in the districts and to locate places of risk in which the Police must intervene to dissolve concentrations of people.30 cases in the last 24 hoursIn the last 24 hours, 30 new cases have been registered in the municipality of Murcia and the average age of active cases is currently 33 years.The Municipal Health Service makes daily reports that reflect the evolution of the pandemic in the municipality and maintains a fluid relationship with the Ministry of Health in order to adopt any measures that are necessary to face the virus.The most outstanding measures included in the Plan presented this morning by the mayor are the following:Organization of the measures before the return to activity in all sectors in September.Contingency Plan for the start of the new school year in nursery schools.Collaboration with the Volunteer Office.Reinforcement of food distribution.Security measures for employees and citizen care.Maintenance of Public Transport at 100%.Maintenance of traffic and transport services at 100% with the capacity limitations recommended by the health authorities.100% maintenance of the bicycle rental service.100% maintenance of the bus and tram fleet.Increased control and surveillance in compliance with established standards.Closure of sports facilities and pool capacity control.Closure of the Stay Centers in Barriomar, Beniaján, Cabezo de Torres and the Barrio del Progreso.Adoption of security measures for employees and citizen assistance services with specific training for 1,500 municipal workers against Covid.Intensificación de las labores de limpieza y desinfección en los parques y jardines del municipio con una dotación específica de trabajadores para el desempeño de esta tarea.Diseño de un protocolo de protección y prevención de todos los trabajadores del Servicio de Limpieza.Actuación de Protección Civil en apoyo logístico a los grupos de acción y servicios que así lo consideren como el sanitario, social, y orden, con los medios humanos y materiales del voluntariado de Protección Civil.Coordinación con los Servicios Sociales Municipales para el apoyo de familias que permanezcan en aislamiento por decreto sanitario.Coordinación con la Policía Local para la vigilancia de las familias que deben estar en cuarentena y para evitar que se produzcan aglomeraciones ciudadanas.Diseño de protocolos específicos para la vuelta a la actividad en las bibliotecas, las salas de estudio y las oficinas de atención ciudadana municipales.En las salas de estudio se ha garantizado la distancia de seguridad, cuarentena en el préstamo de ejemplares, reducción de horario y aprovisionamiento de EPIS para el personal.En el servicio de atención al ciudadano se dispone de todas las medidas de seguridad, mamparas, señalización y EPIS.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia