| The City Council multiplies the work in parks and gardens during the summer months; checks and prunes almost 38,000 trees and palms and replaces 130,000 flowering plants | The Councilor for Urban Development and Modernization of the Administration, José Guillén, has presented the Special Summer Plan for Parks and Gardens in the garden of Las 3 Copas.
This project that includes more than 100,000 actions that will develop the green areas of the entire municipality."With this great deployment of actions we take care of and supervise our more than 3,000 green areas, which represent a total of three million square meters," said José Guillén, who added that "we work every day to keep the municipality's parks in perfect condition with a technical team of more than 200 workers.
Thanks to this great deployment of actions we take care of and supervise each of the green areas of our municipality, we improve the quality of life of the neighbors and we take care of the environment ".The exhaustive work of the technical team, made up of engineers, painters, locksmiths, experts in children's games, plumbers and cleaning, pruning, gardening and civil engineering workers, began in June and will last until the end of September.In total, they will perform more than 100,000 performances during the summer months.More than 130,000 daisies, kalanchoes, lattices, gintanillas and zinnias, among othersNumerous varieties of flowers, such as daisies, kalanchoes, lattices, gintanillas and zinnias, among others, will fill Murcia's parks with color, since it is planned to replace some 80,000 flowers before September, beautifying the gardens of the municipality.
These flowers are replenished and chosen according to the time of year.
The technicians will also replace more than 100 trees and almost a thousand shrubs.Intensive care and pruning of 100,000 treesThe professional team is reviewing the condition of some 100,000 trees, pruning any excess branches that disturb or may pose a risk due to being in poor condition. In addition, it is applying a phytosanitary treatment, endotherapy, on 200 eucalyptus trees.This treatment, with low environmental impact, consists of injecting a phytosanitary product, nutritional substances, into the trunk of the tree, in order to prevent and eradicate possible pests that may affect the vitality of these specimens.Ficus, elms and pines: special emphasis on more than 600 unique treesSpecifically, the technicians will emphasize the care of more than 500 unique trees, distributed throughout the municipality, since high temperatures can affect, for example, species such as ficus.
Due to their size, age and specific characteristics, the unique species include eucalyptus, pine, elm, casuarinas, hackberry and ficus.Treatments against the red palm weevil in 15,000 palm treesThis summer the actions against the red weevil have been intensified, carrying out periodic inspections, especially in the 'phoneix' palm trees, since they are the most sensitive specimens to this pest.Professionals are also pruning palm trees and removing fruits that may cause inconvenience to pedestrians from the streets; action that is being carried out exhaustively in areas such as the Palmeral de Santiago and Zaraiche, Alquerías, La Alberca and El Palmar.
In total, there are more than 15,000 palm trees in the municipality.4,500 interventions for the exhaustive control of 87 fountains and lakesThe technicians are carrying out 4,500 interventions to control the state of the fountains and lakes, architectural elements that have a central place in the gardens of the municipality.
Specifically, the municipality has eight large ponds, covering almost 17,900 square meters and 8,900 cubic meters, and 79 ornamental fountains.According to existing planning, and by the end of the summer campaign, some 6,000 water treatments will have been carried out, which we know as chlorination and disinfection, and more than 5,000 times both the 81 fountains and the 9 lakes in the area will have been cleaned.
municipality.In this way, the City Council complies with its controlled and planned supervision policy of the different lakes and sources of Murcia, which is intensified in summer, paying special attention to the quality of the water to verify that dangerous bacteria such as legionella are not generated.
.The Department of Urban Development and Modernization of the Administration, is carrying out the rehabilitation and improvement of the sources of the municipality that is included within the well-known Objective Pool 2023.It is framed in four large measures, among which are the construction of large works such as the lakes of La Seda, the Salitre, Los Patos (San Ginés), the garden of Fofó as well as five historical fountains such as the Plaza Circular, the Casa Clock Tower (Puente Tocinos), José Cánovas Ortíz Garden (Beniaján), Avenida de la Libertad (Guadalupe) and Juana Jugán in Puente Tocinos.Lakes and fountains are spaces that attract life, as well as being a spectacle, since the cascading water is one of the most beautiful visual perceptions of nature; improve air quality, turning green areas into cooler spaces with cleaner air; create a relaxing space; They provide a microclimate, softening temperatures and are a hallmark of our municipality.7,000 actions to check and repair children's gamesThe large deployment of professionals will carry out almost 7,000 interventions in the parks of the municipality to review the elements of children's games and the state of urban furniture, repairing those areas that require it.
In this sense, they will renew the children's games and the fences that surround them, in addition to the elements of the gerontogimnasia spaces that are necessary.Security measures against Covid-19The City Council has deployed an intensive cleaning and disinfection campaign in these green areas, where municipal workers have also marked the playground and bio-healthy elements with information signs that indicate the capacity of each space and the safety distance, among other indications.
.La desinfección se realiza mediante pulverización con hipoclorito sódico, diluido en agua.
En total se han usado 4.000 litros de caldo al día.
De esta forma, se han utilizado 42 mochilas de tratamiento, 2 cubas de 200 litros, 2 de 1.000 litros, 3 cubas de 800 litros y 2 cañones atomizadores de 800 litros.En total, 62 personas (distribuidas en dos turnos) llevan semanas trabajado en estas labores.En los parques infantiles, zonas de gerontogimnasia y aparatos biosaludables es obligatorio el uso de mascarilla para mayores de 6 años y el aforo de estos espacios es limitado.En este sentido, los parques de 100 m2 tienen un aforo de 20 personas; las zonas de 200 metros cuadrados un aforo de 40 personas; en las de 300 metros cuadrados es de 50 personas y en los parques con una dimensión de 500 metros cuadrados el aforo es de 70 personas. Asimismo, es recomendable la higienización de manos antes y después de la utilización de cada elemento de juego.
El uso compartido de los mismos solo se permite entre niños que tengan algún vínculo familiar.
Además, los niños tienen que estar siempre bajo la supervisión de un adulto.El Servicio de Parques y Jardines también ha intensificado las labores de limpieza en las 51 zonas de esparcimiento canino del municipio, tanto en los elementos de juego para las mascotas como el mobiliario de estos espacios, desinfectando 3 veces al día.Además de los paneles, que contabilizan las desinfecciones al día que se han realizado en cada pipican y los horarios de estas, también se han colocado carteles informativos que indican las normas en estas zonas como la limitación de acceso, así como el horario de uso y las medidas de seguridad.Limpieza intensiva de 12.000 bancos repartidos en el municipioEl Ayuntamiento también está desinfectado las calles, farolas y mobiliario urbano de todo el municipio -entre ellos, más de 12.000 bancos repartidos por todo el municipio-.Segarán casi 10.500.000 metros cuadrados de céspedDesde junio hasta septiembre, está prevista la siega de más de 10.500.000 de metros cuadrados, repartidos en los parques de Murcia y sus pedanías; cifra que equivale a la superficie de casi 1.250 campos de fútbol.Revisión de más de 10.000 metros de tuberías de riegoLos técnicos revisarán el conjunto de las instalaciones de riego, como tuberías y válvulas, y renovarán un total de 1.888 aspersores, con el objeto de garantizar el perfecto estado de los jardines. En total, antes de que finalice septiembre habrán examinado más de 10.000 metros de tuberías de riego.Plan de obras de verano por todo el municipioEl Ayuntamiento de Murcia está llevado a cabo más de 60 obras en zonas verdes de todo el municipio.Algunos de las zonas verdes que ya están renovadas y disponibles para todos murcianos son el jardín de Martínez Guirao, una gran zona verde de 17.000 metros cuadrados que cuenta con 265 árboles y pérgolas vegetales que proporcionarán sombraje natural, así como con nuevos juegos infantiles para los más pequeños, como un arenero, entre otras novedades.Los murcianos también pueden disfrutar ya de los parques del Oeste.
La Seda, el Salitre y el Rocío, un eje peatonal de 70.000 m2 que se abre a las familias murcianas en el corazón de la ciudad.Guadalupe estrenará el parque Libertad con un merendero rodeado de 150 árboles y una pérgola de 200 m2 a finales de mes.
Además, el Ayuntamiento ha recuperado el parque Río Ebro de La Ñora, un espacio de 1.300 m2 de ocio familiar para todas las edades y se ha renovado el parque Constitución de Cabezo de Torres, que aspira a convertirse en un referente para la práctica deportiva al aire libre.Otras de las obras que están en marcha son el jardín Pintor Pedro Flores o las del jardín Teniente Flomesta, enmarcadas en Murcia Río.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia