| The government team has been required to reduce the cost for residents and visitors and thus vote favorably in the next plenary session | In the ordinary session of the Plenary Committee of Infrastructures, Finance, Economic Management and General Affairs of the city of Murcia, the initial approval of the change in the selection of the ORA by direct management of Urbamusa was carried out."The GM VOX has been asked as an essential requirement to vote in favor of the change in management of the regulated parking service on the surface of urban public roads in Murcia, the ORA," said José Ángel Antelo, spokesman for the GM VOX in the Murcia City Council, and added: "This is a decisive commitment by the government team that the change in such management implies a substantial benefit to all residents of the municipality and visitors who choose to use this service."After committing to this request, VOX has voted in favor of such change in the ORA.According to the mayor Inmaculada Ortega, "the priority of this party is that the residents also enjoy a significant and important reduction in the pricing they report."If this agreement is fulfilled, VOX Murcia will make a favorable vote again in the next plenary session on July 30.
Source: VOX Murcia