| Murcian civil society analyzes the situation in Murcia after the state of alarm and actively participates in the City Strategy | The mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, chaired this morning the Social Council of the municipality, held on the second floor of Pavilion 2 of the Artillery Barracks, where the situation of the municipality has been analyzed after the state of alarm and the axes of the Murcia 2030 city strategy, based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.During the meeting, the report 'The impact of Covid-19 in the municipality of Murcia: diagnosis and proposals' was presented, carried out by the University of Murcia, in collaboration with the City Council, which affects two fronts: tax proposals - tax breaks, deferment of payments– and social services –direct actions–.“Today, on the agenda, there are two relevant issues that we have discussed.
In the first place, an analysis and explanation of the Economic and Social Reactivation Plan has been carried out for all members of the Social Council; the plan that includes 83 measures that arise not only from the contrast and the opinion of different social groups, but also from the rigorous analysis that certain entities have made, approved last June by the municipal Corporation, "said José Ballesta.The Murcian councilor added that "among these entities, the work carried out by the University of Murcia stands out, which this morning has presented an analysis of the affectation of the coronavirus pandemic in the municipality of Murcia, with a diagnosis and action measures, of many of which are already collected and are being carried out under the Consistory's Economic and Social Reactivation Plan ”.The event was attended by specialists from the UMU and, by the City Council, the councilor for Urban Agenda and Open Government, Mercedes Bernabé, the councilor for Disability and Development Cooperation, Paqui Pérez, the mayor for Employment, Promotion economic and Tourism, Pedro García, the councilor for Culture and Heritage Recovery, Jesús Pacheco, the mayor of Social and Family Rights, Pilar Torres, the councilor for Sustainable Development and Huerta, Antonio Navarro, and the councilman for Citizen Security and Economic Management , Eduardo Martínez-Oliva, who presented the measures and projects executed from their respective councils.Tax exemptions for more than 2,500,000 eurosThe Murcia City Council, in its Economic and Social Reactivation Plan, already includes various actions that are present in the report presented this morning by the University of Murcia, among which the fiscal measures stand out.The tax exemptions approved within the Consistory's fiscal measures plan have saved more than 2,500,000 euros for the families of Murcia.
This plan has involved the implementation of a new fiscal calendar, and includes a line of direct aid to the self-employed and companies affected by the COVID-19 crisis, in which direct aid is prioritized for current supply costs, rentals, insurance or 'renting', in addition to individualized plans to make payment terms and municipal tax procedures more flexible, among others.Likewise, it includes measures to reduce the fiscal burdens of families in the situation of confinement or isolation and to compensate for the losses derived from the increase in unemployment or business activity stoppage; the reduction of the average term of payment to suppliers and the reduction of municipal rates whose taxable event is linked to the development of a commercial or business activity (garbage rate, rate for occupation of the public domain for terraces of bars and restaurants, or vendors in markets municipal, fixed or mobile).Social Services: more than 3 million euros for the families most affected by the coronavirusWith regard to Social Services, José Ballesta stressed that "the City Council has intensified social care more than 88% throughout the entire confinement, reaching 11,000 families, representing more than 40,000 people".To curb the social crisis caused by the coronavirus, the City Council has allocated 1,000,000 euros to aid for the acquisition of basic products; and has launched an urgent aid package with a budget of 3,000,000 euros -with direct aid of between 430 euros and 1,071 euros for families-.The City Council has also allocated a sum of 750,000 euros to the entities of Cáritas, the Red Cross and the Food Bank, and has collaborated with the entities of the Third Sector, which have received aid amounting to 1,500,000 euros.Likewise, a socio-educational reinforcement program has been launched, endowed with 500,000 euros; another of 1,500,000 euros for healthcare resources, and another of 250,000 euros for home telecare.
In addition, a special device has been set up to assist victims of gender-based violence and monitoring of shelters.A channel that generates ideas and to contrast opinionsSpecifically, this morning the second session of 2020 of the municipality's Social Council was held, “which is a channel of participation open to the most representative social agents of civil society, of a consultative nature, which is made up of representatives of economic organizations , social, professional and most representative residents of the municipality of Murcia, as well as by members of the municipal Corporation, creating pockets of ideas and allowing contrasts of opinion, "added José Ballesta.UMU diagnosis: almost 80% of companies in the municipality are micro-companiesThe data from the report presented by the University of Murcia reveal that in the municipality of Murcia almost 80% of all companies are considered micro-companies, 17.3% are small companies and 0.4% would be large companies (with more than 250 employees).The report also indicates that commerce and hospitality have a great weight in the productive and occupational structure of the municipality.
In this sense, the coronavirus has had a lower impact (between 0% and 25%) in the sectors of agriculture, health and social services, financial activities, public administration, and information and communications; a medium impact (between 25% and 70%) in industry and commerce; and a high impact (more than 70%) in commerce and repair, hospitality, in artistic and entertainment activities and in the transport and storage sector.Specifically, the research team has been led by Professor José Carlos Sánchez de la Vega of the Faculty of Economics and Business.Next steps for the preparation of the Urban Agenda Murcia 2030: neighborhood panels and a demoscopic studySurveys and panels to know the opinion of the neighbors, and to make them participate in the process of preparing the Murcia 2030 Urban Agenda, based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
These are the next steps that the Council will take to prepare this agenda and they have also been put on the table this morning at the Social Council of the municipality, where the axes of the Murcia 2030 city strategy have been defined.A lo largo de los próximos meses el Ayuntamiento va a llevar a cabo dos acciones para la confección de la Agenda Urbana Murcia 2030, que está siendo coordinada por la concejalía que dirige Mercedes Bernabé, en colaboración con la Universidad de Murcia, a través del profesor Prudencio Riquelme.Por una parte, se realizará un estudio demoscópico, conformado por encuestas presenciales –15 preguntas divididas en tres bloques: satisfacción ciudadana, perspectivas de futuro y variables socioeconómicas–, y una encuesta online –2 bloques divididos en 8 preguntas: líneas estratégicas del municipio y variables socioeconómicas–.En concreto, las encuestas presenciales, de las que se desarrollarán 1.000 muestras, se realizarán en septiembre, mientras que las online comenzarán el 14 de agosto y se prolongarán hasta el 30 de septiembre, pudiendo acceder a las mismas a través la aplicación móvil TuMurcia y de la página http://tu.murcia.es/app/ o mediante el portal http://participaentransparencia.es/.Los vecinos que participen en dichas encuestas online se dividirán en 6 áreas: campo de Murcia, Huerta tradicional, ciudad, cinturón Norte, costera Sur y polígono industrial.Por otro lado, el Consistorio llevará a cabo un panel vecinal en septiembre, que revelará las prioridades que tienen los vecinos para el municipio, en un ambiente de diálogo y consenso.
Cada panel estará representado por personas de diferentes ámbitos –ciudad, Huerta y campo de Murcia– y estará integrado por entre 7 y 11 vecinos.
En concreto, se realizarán dos paneles vecinales, que se desarrollarán a modo de mesas de trabajo con los vecinos del municipio, con varias rondas.Más de un centenar de personas participaron en las Mesas de Trabajo para la elaboración de la Agenda Urbana Murcia 2030Durante la sesión también se ofreció un balance de las primeras mesas de trabajo organizadas por el Ayuntamiento, en las que participaron 116 personas, entre expertos socioeconómicos y miembros del Consejo Social, y cuya primera ronda se desarrolló la semana pasada.En concreto, el Consistorio desarrolló seis mesas de trabajo para la elaboración de la Agenda Urbana Murcia 2030, centradas en las siguientes temáticas: vertebración del territorio, medio ambiente y movilidad, cohesión social, talento y cultura, gobierno abierto e innovación de la gestión pública y promoción económica y proyección exterior.Los representantes de la sociedad civil murcianaMás de 50 representantes y entidades de toda la sociedad civil componen el Consejo Social de Murcia, como los exalcaldes del municipio, los sindicatos de UGT Murcia y Comisiones Obreras, así como la Confederación Regional de Organizaciones Empresariales de Murcia (CROEM) y la Cámara de Comercio, industria y Navegación.También tienen representación distintas asociaciones de comerciantes de ámbito local, las universidades UMU y UCAM, entidades financieras, colegios profesionales, asociaciones festivas y relacionadas con la cultura tradicional del municipio, así como asociaciones culturales locales y de vecinos, centros de mayores, centros de la mujer, la Junta de Hacendados, federaciones deportivas y clubs deportivos, asociaciones de consumidores, asociaciones ecologistas y medioambientales, entre otras.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia