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Young motorcyclist seriously injured when colliding with a tourist who fled (19/07/2020)

| Sanitarians treated and took a young motorist seriously injured when colliding with a tourist who fled, in Murcia last night | Emergency health services treated and transferred to the hospital last night a young driver of a delivery motorcycle who was seriously injured when he was hit by a tourist who fled, on the First Avenue of May in Murcia.The 1-1-2 received, at 10:54 p.m., the call of witnesses to the accident, who reported that the motorcyclist was lying on the ground, unconscious and badly injured, after a tourist hit him on the aforementioned Avenue and fled, at the height of the Fica Bridge.

Local Police patrols and a Mobile Emergency Unit (UME) from the Emergency Management and Health Emergencies 061 were mobilized to the scene.After being stabilized by the health workers, the victim (male, 27 years old) was transferred to the "Virgen de la Arrixaca" hospital in Murcia with serious injuries.

The incident was reported to the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health of the Region of Murcia.

Source: 112RM

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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