| The City Council allocates this amount to finance a project that seeks to expand and train the voluntary network that has the entity | The Murcia City Council is going to grant a grant worth 10,000 euros to the Telephone of Hope for this entity to develop a project whose main objective is to promote volunteering in social care due to the socio-sanitary crisis caused by the expansion of Covid -19 and train the entity's volunteers.The matter has been approved by the Governing Board at its meeting held this morning.
The work carried out by the Telephone of Hope has been especially and significantly increased by the social consequences generated by the coronavirus.Help for the most vulnerableThe pandemic has had an extraordinary impact on important population groups, especially among the most vulnerable groups, who do not have the capacity to face the social consequences that have arisen.This situation of social emergency makes it necessary to have an agile system that gives an immediate response to the multiple requests for help that are being registered by the various channels of attention to the population established both by the City Council and by other administrations and other social entities.In this case, the grant approved today seeks to finance the expansion of the voluntary network of the Telephone of Hope.
This entity seeks to provide, free of charge, anonymously and specializedly, a permanent emergency help service, by telephone and in person, to as many people, families or groups who request it because they are in a conflict situation.24 hour emergency servicesAmong its priority and preferential actions is to respond to crises in which life, mental health and physical or mental integrity of people are endangered, providing a stay of its emergency services 24 hours a day, every day.
of the year.In order to carry out this enormous task, the Telephone of Hope is supported by a network of volunteers who carry out important work in caring for the users who demand its services.The project that will count on the municipal subsidy also includes the training of these volunteers so that they have internalized the keys that they must manage to carry out their function.Since the beginning of the pandemic, the City Council has maintained a very close relationship with the entities of the third sector and has coordinated different actions of social care to work in favor of the most disadvantaged.
For example, it allocated an extraordinary grant of 750,000 euros to Cáritas Diocesana, the Red Cross and the Food Bank.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia