| Tuition payment for students with difficulties due to the pandemic and an increase of 30% in aid Complementary to the study are some of the actions carried out | The rector of the University of Murcia, José Luján, and the vice-rector for Students and Services of the University Community, Paloma Sobrado, took stock this Thursday at a press conference of the 15 measures of economic, social and academic support for the students of the University of Murcia in the face of the COVID-19 crisis. The rector stressed that these are measures debated and worked "fruit of the consensus and collaboration of the different levels of the University of Murcia", for which we must thank, he said, "to all members of the community university that have helped to overcome this difficult situation.
" Luján wanted to highlight in a special way "the collaboration, commitment and desire to do well of the student delegations and, in a very particular way, of the Student Council; a great majority of these measures would not have been possible without this collaboration" , the rector has pointed out. The measures carried out since the health alert was decreed in March are the following: 1.
Project # NoStudentBackUUM The pandemic cannot truncate the expectations of a person in training.
This action raises funds to help students with serious financial difficulties caused by COVID-19.
All tuition payment requests received this quarter have been met (163).
The action remains permanently open and continues the next course.
More information at ningunestudianteatras.um.es 2.
Inclusion of the COVID-19 as a cause to maintain the price of the registration of the last course in the Order of Public Prices of the CARM It has been possible for the Public Price Order for university studies in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia to include the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and its effects as a specific cause so that our students can request, in a duly justified manner, the cancellation of the surcharge for second registration. 3.
Temporary suspension of the application of articles of the Regulation of Progress and Permanence of the University of Murcia Getting a college degree is a social elevator for people.
The crisis can force them to abandon their studies, thus truncating their expectations.
Therefore, the obligation to pass a minimum of 12 credits in the first year of enrollment is temporarily suspended to preserve the status of university student. 4.
Postponement of tuition payments Requests for deferment of payments have been met, and registrations have not been canceled due to non-payment, provided that supporting documentation of worsening of the family employment and economic situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been provided.
For the 2020/2021 academic year, the number of installments will be expanded from 7 to 8 to divide the tuition payment. 5.
Loans of computer equipment in the period of confinement For those who needed help with technological equipment, the UMU, since the first days of confinement, has loaned 450 laptop computers and 300 SIM cards as a connectivity solution.
This helpdesk is still active at the moment and will continue the next course. 6.
Actions regarding extraordinary curricular compensation To the students who intend to benefit from a curricular evaluation for compensation in the July call and receive the corresponding positive resolution, they will see the measure applied in January 2021 and may request the refund of the tuition fees of the subject / s / s corresponding if they prove a worsening of the family employment and economic situation due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. 7.
Complementary aid to the study of the University of Murcia With the help of the Autonomous Community, the UMU announces supplementary aid to the study for those who, due to special or unexpected circumstances, do not obtain the Ministry scholarship.
For the 2020/21 academic year, this call will adapt to the new demands of academic performance and will take into account the impact of COVID-19 on the family economy.
The University of Murcia will increase its contribution by 30%. 8.
Facilities in adapting the enrollment of curricular practices and national and international mobility agreements In order to streamline the procedures and help reduce the uncertainties of the students, the deanships were authorized to directly resolve the necessary enrollment modifications to adapt the specific circumstances of each student to the exceptional circumstances of the declaration of alarm status.
It has been possible to renounce mobility and resume teaching in the best possible conditions at the UMU. 9.
Gratuity of the second enrollment in the curricular practices not carried out due to a major cause in the 2nd semester of the 2019/20 academic year The students who have not been able to finish their curricular practices due to the declaration of the state of alarm during the 2nd semester of this course, will be able to do them exceptionally in the 1st semester of the next course at no additional cost in enrollment. 10.
Adaptation of academic management in doctoral studies The procedure for telematic registration and defense of the doctoral thesis has been enabled.
If the research activity had suffered any damage and could not be mitigated within the usual deadlines and extensions, the affected students may request, duly justified, an extraordinary extension of deadlines. 11.
Travel to residences to collect study material A large number of students were confined to their usual residences, which are not the same where they live during the course.
For this reason, their study materials were left in their rental apartments in the city of Murcia.
The UMU requested the Government Delegation to issue safe-conduits so that, in a staggered and solitary manner, they could move to collect these belongings.
Nearly 2,400 students have benefited from this measure. 12.
Computer support for distance teaching and assessment En el Aula Virtual se han realizado 143.
879 entregas de examen y 45 810 entregas de tareas correspondientes a un total de 3 284 llamamientos.
El CAU de ATICA ha atendido 1.
040 consultas de estudiantes (sobre un total de 1.144 de toda la universidad) de resolución de problemas con un tiempo de resolución medio de 24 minutos.
El portal web de apoyo a los estudiantes para el seguimiento de la docencia online ha recibido 101.634 visitas. 13.
Traslados del alumnado participante en los programas de movilidad ERASMUS y SICUE La Universidad de Murcia ha prestado ayuda a los estudiantes que estaban disfrutando de una estancia de movilidad y querían regresar a sus domicilios, llegando a fletar autobuses para traslados específicos.
En el programa SICUE se emitieron los documentos acreditativos para la obtención de salvoconductos y poder regresar a sus domicilios. 14.
Adaptación de los sistemas de evaluación El diseño de la evaluación no presencial, con el fomento de la evaluación continua, ha hecho posible las convocatorias de exámenes de junio y de julio, incluyendo las de las prácticas curriculares y el depósito, validación y defensa de los TFG, los TFM y las tesis doctorales.
El aumento de las tasas de éxito y de rendimiento avala la aplicación efectiva de estos sistemas de evaluación alternativa. 15.
Reglamento extraordinario para los exámenes online La Universidad de Murcia ha desarrollado un reglamento extraordinario, con el fin de garantizar al máximo la privacidad del estudiantado en los exámenes online.
Este reglamento contemplaba la programación de una convocatoria excepcional de incidencias en caso de que algún alumno viera interrumpida la realización de algún examen por problemas técnicos, informáticos o de acceso a la red.
Source: Universidad de Murcia