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We are Youth joins the #NoOsImportamosUMU movement (07/07/2020)

We are Youth, together with the Education Commission of We Are Region, join the movement #NoOsImportamosUMU, denouncing the passivity of the University's Governing Team before the measures requested by the students for the next academic year.  We are Youth, together with the Education Commission of We Are Region, join the movement #NoOsImportamosUMU.

 In these last days we are seeing and living very closely, as the University Community is more divided than ever.

 On the one hand, the students, demanding measures that we believe are just after the serious crisis caused by the Covid-19.

 On the opposite side, the Rectory Team with Mr.

Luján in the front line, who remain impassive to the proposed requests.

 The highest representative body of the student body, the CEUM (Student Council of the University of Murcia), with which it had been agreed the absence of a penalty for the following course of subjects suspended after the events experienced in recent months, has lost any hint of trust deposited with the aforementioned Governing Body.

After the cancellation of said agreement unilaterally on July 4 and the step back taken by the Rector, a serious crisis has been generated, culminating in the resignation en bloc of each and every member of the CEUM Board of Directors .

From Somos Región, we want to support and encourage all young people in the Region of Murcia to continue fighting for a worthy University in which we do not have to be ashamed of the actions of its leaders.The Magnificent Rector of the University of Murcia has demonstrated with his facts his incompetence in the position he occupies and therefore we join the request for resignation that is requested from the university student body.

We hope that the situation experienced in these last days will be resolved as soon as possible, in favor of the students, since they will be, in the very near future, one of the most disadvantaged groups in the great crisis that is causing the world pandemic.one of the most disadvantaged groups in the great crisis that is causing the global pandemic.one of the most disadvantaged groups in the great crisis that is causing the global pandemic. 

Source: Somos Región

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