On June 8, the General Negotiation Table was held at the Murcia City Council and we were sent to the social part of a proposal for the face-to-face reincorporation to the jobs consisting of the incorporation to progressive face-to-face work since June 22 , reaching from June 29 to all municipal employees, with the exception of workers who share offices in which it is necessary to take collective preventive measures until these measures are adopted, vulnerable workers and those who allege conciliation needs.All the trade union sections present at the General Negotiation Table express our opposition to this reincorporation proposal because they understand that it does not take into account the situation of certain municipal services of a mainly administrative nature in which, as the mayor himself presumed last 21 May, in statements to the press ("95% of the municipal procedures have been carried out electronically thanks to teleworking"), the public is being provided with services in a totally satisfactory way.We also understand that this decision, firm even though it has the opposition of the whole of the social part, enters into a serious contradiction with the motion approved unanimously in the last plenary session on May 28 to regulate teleworking.Even more worrisome, it seems to us that this plan for face-to-face reincorporation to jobs does not respect what is dictated by Royal Decree Law 8/2020 of March 17, 11/2020 of March 31, 15/2020 of April 21, and 21/2020 of June 9, which repeatedly establish the preferential nature of remote work and order the promotion of the use of teleworking when, due to the nature of the work activity, it is possible that we understand that the Murcia City Council could be incurring in an illegality.We understand that the Murcia City Council, with this order to reinstate 100% of the workforce to face-to-face work, acts not only unnecessary but also irresponsible and reckless, disregarding the orders of the Government of Spain and putting the health of the Municipal employees at a time of the pandemic in which, far from being disappeared, the outbreaks are continuous in different parts of the Spanish geography.Despite the fact that we have officially requested a meeting with Mr.
Ballesta for ten days to try to resolve this matter, we have not yet been received.