The Murcia City Council has been paralyzed for a week by a personal tantrum from Mayor Ballesta.
"We would never have thought that an institution that governs the lives of more than 400,000 people was managed as a poorly organized schoolyard," said Ginés Ruiz.The spokesman for the purple formation in the Murcian consistory has indicated that "since Thursday, June 4, we presented a Plan with 67 measures for the socio-economic revival of the municipality, neither the Mayor nor any of the councilors of his party have dedicated a single second to rule on those measures.
Yes, they have had time to complain in absolutely all the media that the opposition is doing its job ”For the second consecutive week, the City Council has not held the ordinary weekly meeting of the Governing Board, which for Ginés Ruiz "supposes an inadmissible dismissal of duties and irresponsibility that we cannot allow." The Governing Board is the governing body of the City Council, and in a municipality with a large population, such as Murcia, it has very important powers that have not been exercised for two weeks, by a personal tantrum by Mayor Ballesta.Finally, the councilor for Podemos has indicated that "from minute one we are seeing many dysfunctions in the government coalition, some more acceptable than others, but what is inadmissible is that a Mayor put his anger ahead of the management of the City Council and its normal operation "
Source: Podemos Murcia