| The councilor for Urban Agenda and Open Government presents the results of the survey, which has been in effect from April 16 to May 31 | The City Council is immersed in a process of transformation of the municipality in which participation is key for decision-making and the implementation of future initiatives.In this sense the citizen consultation is framed for the diagnosis of the elaboration of the municipal strategy of Circular Economy.
The councilor for Urban Agenda and Open Government, Mercedes Bernabé, today presented the results of this survey in which a total of 470 people participated, of which 31 are members of the Social Council of the City and 439 refer to citizenship.
usually.The objective of this questionnaire, which has been in effect from April 16 to May 31, has been to gather the opinion of citizens on the transition towards a circular economy, so that actions, initiatives, barriers and opportunities that could be identified could be identified.
they consider of highest priority.The questionnaire has been divided into two blocks: the first one, aimed at citizens' behavior regarding waste management, consumption habits, the use of energy and water, mobility and the sustainability of spaces; and another second section, aimed at the circular economy, in which residents are asked about the concept, the priority initiatives in this context and the difficulties that arise for its development.The survey is part of the participatory process prior to the drafting of the Diagnosis document for the Elaboration of the Municipal Strategy of Circular Economy that the Murcia City Council promotes and develops.Specifically, the process has been open, on the one hand, to the general public and, on the other hand, to the City Social Council, an organ made up of representatives of the most representative economic, social, professional and resident organizations of the municipality of Murcia.“After the successful participation obtained, we can highlight that citizens are involved and want to actively collaborate in the development of a more sustainable city model.
Therefore, this survey represents a further step towards changing the model, a path that the City Council has already begun and for which it requires citizen collaboration and the main actors in society, ”explains Mercedes Bernabé.General dataBased on the data obtained, regarding the gender of the participants, the percentage of women (51%) stands out slightly.Regarding the age range, the highest participation has been seen in people between 30-40 years (33.6%), followed by 40-50 years (21.1%).
Young people up to 30 years of age share participation with the 50-60 age group (16%).Block I: Waste, consumption habits and resource managementBased on the data extracted from the survey, regarding the first block of questions, the majority of citizens (90%) are involved in the separation of waste at home and those who do not allege that it is due to lack of containers near or home space.82% affirm that they consume responsible goods and resources.
Along the same lines, almost all of the citizens who have participated in the questionnaire (94%) carry out a responsible consumption of energy at home and the majority do not have (81%) energy from renewable sources.
Likewise, half of the respondents affirmed that water consumption could be reduced.
Regarding mobility, 50% of those surveyed occasionally use public transport; 7% regularly, that is, every day; and 6% use it once a week.
Also 53% would like to use public transport more frequently.Block II: Roles and concept on Circular Economy48% of respondents highlight having a high-medium level on the concept of circular economy.
When asked about the role that the local government should have to make the change from a linear to a circular economy possible, most of the respondents bet on financing actions in this field, promoting the use of local resources and leading the transit towards the change of model.Respondents agree that, in the same way, citizens have to be aware, trained and advised in this transit and companies have to promote the development and use of sustainable technologies.In relation to which elements they consider to be the most important for the circular economy initiatives to be successful at the local level, they are, firstly, to facilitate and financially support the activity of companies that promote circular projects (17%) and, in second, develop training and awareness campaigns (15%).Finally, as barriers and difficulties towards change, 17% believe that there is a lack of awareness in society, 14% that it is difficult to change the linear consumption model from 'use and throw' to a circular model where reuse prevails.
and 14% believe that the circular economy is insufficiently promoted by public administrations.Three work tablesThis process of citizen consultation takes place after the celebration of the three work tables framed in the participation phase: the first included the municipal technicians; In the second, public concessionaires, companies and other entities participated, and the third was made up of experts from the academic field, research, technological and technical centers of the Autonomous Community."Citizen participation and transparency are key factors for the correct development and implementation of initiatives that affect the future of our city, since they allow us to know first-hand the concerns and decisions of our neighbors and take them into account for future municipal strategies", Mercedes Bernabé stands out.The Circular Economy Strategy is part of the Murcia 2030 Strategy and is aligned with the objectives included in the Murcia 2030 Urban Agenda, as well as in the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia