| The councilor of Urban Agenda and the president of the Association of Creators and Artists 'Palín' present the advertising poster, the work of Rubén Lucas García, from Torreagüera | The III Murcia Book Fair already has an advertising poster and its author is Rubén Lucas García de Torreagüera.
The councilor for Urban Agenda and Open Government, Mercedes Bernabé, and the president of the Association of Creators and Artists 'Palin', Asensio Piqueras, today presented the image of this literary event that will be held, predictably, from 7 to 12 October on Avenida Alfonso X in Murcia.The advertising poster has been selected through a contest to which more than 100 artists from all over Spain have entered.
The winner has stood out for its originality, simplicity and its connection to Murcia, where it alludes to the cathedral and the carnation, typical flower of the city.“We want to thank all the participants and, especially, the winner, Rubén Lucas García, for their contributions to this contest.
The promotion of culture and the promotion of reading are the two objectives of this event, already consolidated in our city ”, highlights the mayor.The jury, also present at today's event, was made up of Carlos Menéndez, Mari Carmen Valcárcel, Diego Rosique, Asensio Piqueras and Santi García Cánovas.Extension of the term for exhibitorsExhibitors and interested agents, such as bookstores, publishing companies, distributors, cultural associations and writers, have fifteen more days, once the state of alarm is over, to register for the III Book Fair.
Also, the maximum date will be until July 15.The requests to attend the Fair will be maintained by the same route: they will be formulated by the interested parties to their duly accredited representatives, using the official form, available on the web www.ferialibromurcia.com.
They must be sent to the address of the Association (calle Agrimensores, 3 bajo, D, 30002, Murcia) or by email to requests@ferialibromurcia.com.Paying attention to safety regulationsThe Book Fair will be held attending and complying with all safety and health regulations for both exhibitors and visitors, in force at the time of the event.Its implementation is carried out in collaboration with the Municipal Network of Libraries of Murcia (RMBM), dependent on the Department of Urban Agenda and Open Government.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia