| The contest, in which 720 works have participated, aims to promote creativity and sensitivity around issues related to the environment, sustainability, waste and recycling | The councilor for Sustainable Mobility and Youth, Rebeca Pérez, presented this morning the prizes of the drawing contest organized on the occasion of World Recycling Day.
The event was attended by representatives of the newspaper La Verdad, which has collaborated in the organization, Ferrovial Services and the Street Cleaning Service.The winners, who have received a bicycle, have been, in the children's category, from 3 to 5 years old, Marieta Cánovas Cutillas, with her work 'Helping the planet'; in the 1st to 3rd grade of Primary category, Claudia Muñoz Sánchez, with 'An ideal world'; and in the 4th to 6th Primary category, Mario Yelo Abellán, with 'Los colores de mi ciudad'.This contest, in which 720 drawings have participated, has had the objective of promoting creativity and sensitivity around issues related to the environment, sustainability, waste and recycling.The Councilor for Sustainable Mobility and Youth, Rebeca Pérez, thanked all the children for their participation and indicated that "they are a fundamental part of the correct management of waste, since many have already assumed the importance of recycling and are the ones who they pass it on to the rest of the family unit.
" Selective collection data in the municipality of MurciaFrom 2000 to 2019, the figures on selective collection in the municipality of Murcia have experienced an increase of 446.49%, going from 4,192,934 kilos of glass, packaging and paper in 2000, to 22,914.
069 kilos of this past 2019.As the data dictates, from the beginning in this collection model the figures have been on the rise.
A closer example: in 2018, this total of glass, packaging and paper, was 20,537,550 kilos, which compared to those mentioned in 2019, represents an increase of 11%.This year, the figures continue in ascending lineIf from January 1 to April 30 in 2019 7,283,710 kilos were collected, in the same time period of this 2020, the sum of the total waste deposited in the yellow, blue and green glass container, marks 7,910 .319 kilos, more than a 10% rise.Yellow container: Intended for light containers, that is, plastic, metallic and brick containers.
Last year, it received 6,926,520 kilograms.
In 2000, almost with the start of selective collection, 18,980 kilos of this type of waste were then deposited.
In 2018, 6,244,860 kilos were reached, which represents a rise in 2019 of almost 11%, placing the municipality of Murcia well above the contribution per inhabitant of the Region and standing very close to the national average.
The contribution of kilograms of packaging per inhabitant in Murcia stands at 15.5 kg / inhab.
the regional average being 11.8 kg / inhab and the national average of 15.7 kg / inhab., according to Ecoembes data.From January 1 to April 30 of last 2019, the amount collected in this container was 2,204,680.
In the same period of this year 2020: 2,654,200 kilos, a 20.39% increase.And it is in this current year where it is worth highlighting certain data: the months of January and February marked the rising note, which will continue later, in the period of confinement in households.In January 2019, the collection figure is 555,520 kilos, while in the same month of 2020 this figure shows 665,540 kilos (+ 19.80%)Equally, and also significant, is the increase in the month of February: in 2019, 490,860 kilos and this year 600,380 kilos (+ 22.31%)In March, the figure increases further, due to the health crisis situation, which started just in the middle of the month, reaching an increase of 34.22%: 535,160 kilos in 2019, compared to 718,300 kilos this year.April also reflects this increase in the state of alarm, because 669,980 kilos were deposited in the yellow container.
In 2019, they were 623,149 kilos, with an increase of 7.52%, although it should be noted that in the past year in that month Easter and the Spring Festival took place, celebrations that mark a rise in this deposit.Blue container: In the blue container, made of paper and cardboard, in these 19 years it has gone from 2,075,061 kilos in 2000 to 8,410,580 in 2019.
In 2018, this amount reached 7,586,450 kilos.Analyzing the data of paper and cardboard of the past 2019 with the months of this year in progress, there is also an increase in the first two months of 2020.
In March and April, the cessation of activity of shops and establishments halted the deposit of this Material due to the closure of the commercial activity of these large producers of paper and cardboard: In January 2019, the data for the collection of paper and cardboard indicates 709,880 kilos; in 2020, 813,699 kilos, an increase of 14.62%.
February 2020, 689,986 kilos, and in the month of February 2019, 572,560 kilos, an increase of 20.51%.The beginning of the state of alarm changes the trend due to the indicated closure of the majority of businesses: March 2019, 633,680 kilos and the same month in 2020 658,494 kilos (+ 3.92%).
Last April, 525,390 kilos, and in 2019, also coinciding with festivals in the municipality, 633,680 kilos.
(-22.21%)Green container: In 2000, the deposit of these containers totaled 1,898,893 kilos.
Last 2019, 7,576,969 kilos.
If in 2018 there were 6,706,240 kilograms, the increase between these contiguous years is almost 13%.
According to the data published by Ecovidrio, during 2019 Murcia capital is located with this increase among the top ten Spanish province capitals that increased their selective collection figures the most.And the behavior in this year 2020 of this deposit has characteristics similar to that of paper and cardboard.
The quantity collected by the hospitality closure, which is the main producer of glass packaging waste, is highly marked.In January 2020 they were 710,530 kilos, while in January 2019, 672,810.
As can be seen, the current year began with a good rise in the collection data with 5.61%, which was more pronounced in February: 606,860 kilos in 2020, and 505,590 kilos in 2019, with a rise this year of 20 , 03%.With the beginning of the measures of the state of alarm, the trend is different: comparing data from the month of March of both years, in 2019, 624,440 kilos, and in 2020, 643,780 kilos (+ 3.10%).
A rise in the deposit is appreciated, considering that the alarm by Covid19 started just in the middle of this month.In April, remembering that last year the city was in the Easter and Spring Festival season, 684,700 kilos of glass containers were removed.
And this April, in the midst of the health crisis, there were 607,380 (-11.29%)Brown Container: In the case of the organic waste container launched in February of this year in the neighborhood of La Flota and the food markets, as a pilot test, the evolution is also positive, although they started collecting 300 kilos a day of this material and after a month it increased to 700 kilos a day.Within the European ValueWaste projectEsta prueba piloto se enmarca en el proyecto europeo ValueWaste por el que Murcia ha sido elegida, junto con la ciudad danesa de Kalundborg, para implantarlo de forma pionera.
El objetivo es convertir los residuos orgánicos urbanos en recursos económicos estratégicos.
"Propone un enfoque integrado en el reciclaje de biorresiduos urbanos para la producción de productos biológicos de alto valor, desarrollando la primera solución completa para valorizar plenamente los biorresiduos, que pueden reproducirse en toda Europa", recordó Rebeca Pérez.La campaña informativa de este proyecto a través de ‘biopatrullas' se tuvo que interrumpir debido al estado de alarma, lo que ha provocado un ligero descenso en las cantidades recogidas en las últimas semanas.
Una vez llegados a la Fase 1 se irán retomando las visitas informativas comenzando por grandes generadores de residuos, como son las plazas de abastos y los restaurantes.Mejoras durante el confinamientoDe todo lo expuesto "sacamos claras conclusiones", señala Rebeca Pérez, ya que "el año 2020 comenzó con un fuerte impulso hacia una correcta separación de los residuos producidos.
El confinamiento marcó una línea diferente, ciertamente, por el cese de actividad en el municipio.
Pero está claro que debo felicitar a las familias murcianas, ya que, antes y durante esta situación vivida no han olvidado, si no que muy al contrario, han mejorado en la separación y depósito de los distintos residuos producidos en los hogares".Los envases han subido de enero al 30 de abril, respecto al año anterior un 20%, el papel y el cartón depositado por la ciudadanía en el contendor azul, un 7,23% y el vidrio, un 7,44%.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia