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UCAM face-to-face students carry out their partial exams online these days (27/03/2020)

Almost two weeks after the suspension of face-to-face classes due to the Covid-19 crisis, the Catholic University of Murcia continues online with the teaching activity scheduled in its academic calendar.

"UCAM has worked intensively to establish the necessary planning that has allowed it to move from one teaching modality to another and adapt teleworking to the rest of its staff, while helping to preserve the health of the entire university community", Its principal, Josefina García, has highlighted.

Following the established in the academic calendar, the undergraduate students began this past week to take the first partial exams, with an average of more than 30 daily tests with which they continue their training, remotely.

The telematic controls will continue next week and will be joined by videoconferences and virtual tutorials, tools that enhance the personalized attention that UCAM has been promoting.

In addition, the educational community as a whole accesses these days with normality from their homes to the different services offered by the University, through the virtual desktop.

As support, the ICT and Multimedia Department has designed a reinforcement website that includes how to work remotely, details tools and specific resources to facilitate the different tasks.

Likewise, a program of virtual meetings and cloisters is being developed to guarantee the highest quality in all services.

Source: UCAM

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