a alerta amarilla finalice en el municipio a las 16:00 horas.
Specifically, the municipality has registered, in the last 24 hours, a total of 74 liters per square meter according to AEMET, which estimates that the
"The situation is stable.
The City Council is working on the collection of water that the episode of rains is leaving with absolute normality, â€reported the mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, this morning, adding that“ areas such as El Valle, Sangonera and on the South Coast have exceeded 100 liters per square meter, and in the center of Murcia between 70 and 90 liters per square meter have been reached, but there is no risk, nor forecast, that the river will exceed the channel or that it will overflow .
The situation is under control. "
To the state of Alarm, today this yellow alert has been added for intense rainfall in the municipality of Murcia, a situation from which it is constantly and updated reporting through the social networks of the Local Police and the Murcia City Council.
Cerca de 100 litros por metro cuadrado
About 100 liters per square meter
En las pedanías de Sangonera La Verde y El Valle se han superado los 100 litros por metros cuadrado.
Por su parte, en el otro extremo, en El Palmar y en Nueva Condomina se han recogido alrededor de 60 litros por metro cuadrado, según datos recogidos por los pluviómetros de Aguas de Murcia.
Cut roads report updated at 1 pm
Report updated at 1pm in Murcia:
Avenida Reino de Murcia
Avenida Reino de Murcia
- Avenida Miguel de cer vantes (cruce de Peñalv er y hacia Teniente Montesinos).
- Miguel de cer vantes avenue (crossing Peñalv er and towards Teniente Montesinos).
- Calle Morera with Miguel Ángel Blanco (Santiago el Mayor).
- Paseo Florencia con Miguel Ángel Blanco.
- Paseo Florencia with Miguel Ángel Blanco.
- Avenida Ciudad de Aranjuez .
Report updated at 1 pm in parishes:
-In Avileses, the Torre Abellán path.
-En Algezares, la avenida Región Murciana.
-In Algezares, the Murcian Region avenue.
avier y avenida de los Márques.
avier and Avenida de los Márques.
, rambla de Churra con rambla de Graso, carretera de Churra y desde Senda de Granada hasta Reino de Murcia
, Rambla de Churra with Rambla de Graso, Churra road and from Senda de Granada to Reino de Murcia
Cabezo de Torres
, the Rambla del Carmen
El Palmar
, el cruce de La Paloma
le Mayor acceso a Joven Futura.
Greater access to Joven Futura.
La Alberca
, calle Carlos Valcárcel y calle Agustín García Solano hacia la Coster a Sur .
, Rambla del Albujón
Sangonera la Seca
, paso de Los Carros .
Sangonera la Seca
, Los Carros pass .
En San Ginés, salida del polígono industrial.
In San Ginés, exit from the industrial estate.
Sangonera la V erde
, av enida de Sangonera.
, RM-19, Sucina to Puerto del Garruchal
Parks and gardens
Parques y Jardines está trabajando en la retirada de arbolado y ramas caídas en distintas zonas del municipio, como en el Infante, La Flota, Barriomar, Puente Tocinos, San Basilio y Huerto Pomares, entre otros.
Parks and Gardens service is working on the removal of trees and fallen branches in different areas of the municipality, such as in Infante, La Flota, Barriomar, Puente Tocinos, San Basilio and Huerto Pomares, among others.
For these tasks, the staff has an octopus truck, chainsaws and baskets, among other tools.
In addition to removing the specimens in the area in which it is operated, it is supervised to avoid any possible danger.
The concessionaire company STV-Actúa has, throughout DANA and two days later, a minimum emergency service made up of professionals dedicated to the different actions.
Incidents are dealt with both through the company's 24-hour emergency telephone number (620 86 02 34), as well as through the Local Police, the Murcia City Council and the concessionaire's social networks (@parquesdemurcia).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia