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Pacheco: "All Spain worried about the coronavirus and the PSOE worried about raising" (11/03/2020)

The councilor criticizes that the Municipal Socialist Group "counts things in a torturous way and hiding information" such as the reduction of the price of the chairs and the obligation of the winner to hire a company specialized in the sale of online tickets for the chairs of the Horseback Riding and Burial of La Sardina

The Councilor for Culture and Heritage Recovery, Jesus Pacheco, has criticized that "the Socialist Municipal Group is concerned about collecting while all Spain is concerned about the coronavirus and some are studying whether events are canceled."

Pacheco said that "what Mr. Lorca does not say is that, in order to balance what the City Council stops entering, the price of the second row in all parades has been reduced by 50 cents."

In addition, the new contracting model also includes "that the company will be required to sell online the chairs of the Three Kings' Parade, the Santa Claus parade, and the Holy Wednesday processions, Good Friday for the tomorrow, and Sunday of Resurrection; in the Side of the Garden; in the Burial of the Sardine; and in the Parade of Moors and Christians ".

Another improvement is that "for the Cavalcade of the Kings and the Burial of the Sardine and due to the great demand, the winner will have to hire a company specialized in the sale of tickets online in order to alleviate the problems that occur before the massive request, "said the councilman.

In this way, "we improve the service we offer to Murcia and visitors and reduce the price of tickets. It seems that the PSOE does not want one thing or another and only bets on collecting."

"That money is not lost, as Mr. Lorca says, but it is earned by Murcia, because we work to benefit our neighbors not to raise," said Pacheco.

Finally, the councilor has asked the Municipal Socialist Group to "stop counting things in a tortuous way in order to create controversy, hiding information, and misrepresenting information."

Source: PP Murcia / Foto: archivo

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