The councilor of Pedanías y Barrios, Marco Antonio Fernández, presided yesterday the Health and Safety Commission, in which the representatives of the workers were informed of the preventive measures about the coronavirus, after the last cases occurred in Spain.
"Although there is no case in Murcia, we consider it necessary for our workers to know the virus and the recommendations to prevent its spread, as this is the first step to be able to fight it and stop it," explains the mayor.
As highlighted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the coronavirus is made up of an extensive family of viruses, some of which can cause various diseases.
Your symptoms may occur from cough, fever or dyspnea.
Health service technicians, dependent on the Department of Health and Sports, led by Felipe Coello, informed those responsible for the recommended measures: cover when coughing or sneezing, avoid touching your nose, wash your hands with soap or hydroalcoholic solution, ventilate spaces and do not share glasses or bottles.
Also, instructions have been given to cleaning companies to intensify their work, increasing the frequency of cleaning of common spaces, and specifically elements such as grabs, knobs, railings or faucets, in addition to ensuring that at no time there is soap in sinks, as well as ventilate the rooms.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia