Different buildings and spaces in the city of Murcia will be illuminated light green tomorrow on the occasion of the International Day of Rare Diseases, which is celebrated on February 29.
Specifically, the Moneo Building, the Almudí Palace, the Alfonso X promenade and Murcia Río will be illuminated in order to give visibility to people who live with infrequent pathologies and raise awareness about society.
The City Council, through the Department of Urban Development and Modernization of the Administration, thus responds to the call of the Association of Rare Diseases D'Genes.
This entity was born in 2008 and is made up of those affected by a rare or undiagnosed illness, family members, professionals from different fields and other people with the purpose of creating a socio-health space, which serves as an exchange and coexistence between stakeholders, in addition to promoting their dissemination and awareness in society.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia / Foto: archivo Murcia.com