Likewise, the academic calendar of the next course 2020-21 has been approved, which will advance the start of classes on September 7
The Governing Council of the University of Murcia has approved, at its meeting held this Friday, February 28, expand its offer of joint teaching programs, known as double degrees, and the next course will launch the double degree in Chemistry and Engineering Chemistry.
The report of the master's degree in speech therapy intervention in swallowing that is sent to ANECA for verification has also been approved.
This degree is a joint international interuniversity program with the Bernardo O'Higgins University of Chile.
It will be taught in the blended teaching modality and the promoting faculties are that of Psychology of the UMU and that of Health of the Chilean university.
Another novelty for the next course will be the new academic calendar, which advances the start of classes and, consequently, the exam periods.
The Secretary General has presented this new calendar to the Governing Council, which marks the beginning of classes on September 7.
This advance will allow the January exam period to be distributed between December and January.
This formula has already been applied in the Faculty of Law in the last two years and has led to an improvement in academic performance.
This change is possible thanks to the advancement of university entrance exams.
The extraordinary test of the EBAU will be held in the month of July, so the pre-registration and enrollment processes of the first courses of the university will be closed in the first week of September.
On the other hand, the rector has informed of the acts of laying the first stones of the new football field at the Faculty of Sports Sciences of San Javier and the Center for Training, Research and Assistance in socio-health matters for older people of the Foundation Poncemar on the campus of Social and Health Sciences of Lorca.
These two new infrastructures contribute to the consolidation of these peripheral campuses.
The Vice Chancellor for Strategy and Digital University, on the other hand, has reported on the audit received on compliance with the National Security Scheme whose results have been satisfactory, reaching a level of 93%.
The Information Technology and Communications Area (ATICA) is working to achieve full compliance with the requirements established in this standard.
The Vice Chancellor for Research and Internationalization has presented to the Governing Council the proposal for participation of the University of Murcia within the project of European universities called 'UniNet360'.
This initiative has the participation of the universities of Rostock (Germany), Lublin (Poland), Teramo (Italy), IMT Atlantique (France), Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) and the Hellenic International University (Greece), as partners.
He has also reported on the modification of the collaboration agreement for the creation of the consortium 'Center for Biomedical Research Network, MP (CIBER)' in which other universities, foundations and research institutions participate.
The Vice Chancellor for Transfer and Scientific Dissemination has informed of the renewal of the ISO 9001: 2015 certification of the Office of Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) and thanked the efforts made by the workers of this unit and by the previous responsible of the Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer, all architects of this success.
Likewise, it has announced the call for activities to promote knowledge transfer and research results.
The Governing Council has also approved the election calendar for student representatives in the University Senate that must be held every two years.
In addition, the extension of the concert between the University of Murcia and the Murcia Health Service is agreed, processed through the Vice-Rectorate of Health Sciences, while a new duly updated agreement is renegotiated that includes the particulars and needs of all degrees Healthcare institutions of our institution.
The Vice Chancellor for Employment, Entrepreneurship and Society has reported the creation of a new chair in Intelligent Industry in collaboration with the company 'El Dulce Growers SL'.
Likewise, three general collaboration protocols have been signed, among others, for the development of activities with the Professional Association of Environmental Scientists, with the Professional College of Criminology of the Region of Murcia, with CERMI for its accession to the Forum Sustainable Development Opportunities .
Finally, the 58 courses of the International University of the Sea have been approved and will be held at 16 locations.
Finally, the manager has reported various credit transfers and multi-annual expenses, among which the subscriptions to scientific journals stand out.
He has also presented the biennial financial control plan of the University of Murcia for the years 2020 and 2021. The purpose of this plan is to issue reports on compliance with the standards, effectiveness, efficiency and economy in the management of expenditure on Faculties of Optics and Optometry, Sports Sciences and research projects.
Source: Universidad de Murcia