The Governing Board has approved today the cost of € 50,220 of scholarships for assistance to the training activities of the project "Integrated Itineraries for the Improvement of the Environment, within the Strategy of Sustainable Urban Development and Integrated Murcia-Innovation and Tradition (Murcia ITEM).
This project was approved by agreement of the Government Board last March for a total budget of 457,028 euros, being co-financed by 80% by the European Regional Development Fund.
The main objective of this project is to improve the employability of the neighbors of the Barrio de El Carmen, La Paz and La Fama, within the ADN Urbano project, combining orientation, training and labor intermediation actions.
The initiative contemplates the realization of training and orientation actions for employment and improvement of the environment through integrated actions in key areas of the neighborhoods of La Paz, La Fama and the Bº del Carmen, and is aimed at people with difficulties insertion in the labor market, being priority groups:
Long-term unemployed people.
Immigrant people
Young people under 30 years enrolled in the Youth Guarantee System.
Single-parent families with dependent children.
People at risk of social exclusion.
People over 45 years.
In order to encourage the assistance of these types of groups, the program establishes an assistance grant for people who take training actions for the amount of 9 euros per day of assistance (training and practices), provided they meet the following requirements:
They are unemployed and are registered as job seekers in public employment services and meet the access requirements.
They do not have monthly income higher than 80% of the monthly IPREM in force at the time of the request.
For the calculation of income, it will be taken into account individually for each applicant.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia