The coordinator of the United Left-Greens of the municipality of Murcia, Alicia Martínez, has criticized the "support" of the Murcia government team to the "megacasino" Odysseus, an infrastructure, which together with the game rooms that proliferate in our neighborhoods, put within the reach of young people and adolescents, the "heroine of the 21st century", which causes so much suffering, replacing the small businesses that contribute to neighborhood coexistence.
Martínez has denounced that the promoter of the Odiseo project, of the Orenes group "has made a fortune with casinos and gambling halls, hotels with gambling halls, restaurants with gambling halls and bingos with restaurants" to which she added that "one of her partners is Andrés Ayala, former regional deputy of the PP and president of the Anti-Corruption Office of the Popular Party. "
"One of the most prominent companies is Codere, whose staff includes former ministers Rafael Catalá (who was senior manager until the end of 2011) and Pío Cabanillas," he added.
The leader of IU-Verdes has indicated that these types of facilities are part of the "model that the Popular Party likes", characterized, in her opinion, "for the promotion of gambling as a complement to her obsession with shopping centers, flowers and lights and promote the use of the car instead of deterring it, increasing pollution rates. "
"While those who govern us get on the stand and wrap up the opening of a casino, they do politics with their backs to the culture and young people of Murcia and are unable to provide cultural centers, museums, book fairs with sufficient resources , auditoriums and archaeological sites and to promote specific plans for youth, with public investment, that constitute an alternative to bookmakers.A model, in short, that has no connection with the history of Murcia or its heritage possibilities or cultural, nor with the needs and expectations of the neighbors ", he concluded.
Source: IURM