From the Platform to Win All, we value very positively the institutional declaration approved Thursday by the full of the City of Murcia, in which all municipal groups have positioned themselves in favor of regulation in all aspects related to the current problem, generated by gambling and gambling venues in our municipality.
After the round table on the game last December, which was attended by representatives of all political parties, it was found first hand, that citizens demanded greater control by policy makers regarding the impact that gambling It has in public health, youth, education, minors and families.
The entire municipal corporation has collected the sensitivity and demands of the residents of Murcia in a motion that includes agreements in order to tackle the serious current problems caused by gambling.
The organizations that form the Platform to Win all show our satisfaction with this initiative, which we hope will serve as a model for other municipalities and offer our collaboration to work together to solve this problem, as well as being vigilant in relation to the progress and compliance of the agreements taken, because we know that this institutional declaration is not an end in itself, but the beginning of an important change for Murcia.
We thank the members of the plenary for the provision shown and the work done.
• ADIClescents, Project for the prevention of gambling in young people and adolescents of the José José Planes de Espinardo.
• RM Mental Health Federation
• FAPA-RM Juan González.
Federation of AMPAS of the Region of Murcia
• Association of Health Users of the Region of Murcia
• UMAD Union of Murcia Entities of Attention to Addictions
Source: Plataforma para Ganar Todos.