The Ciclogreen platform, developed by the promotion of the UmuenBici and Sustainable Campus association of the University of Murcia, has achieved that during 2019 the sustainable displacements in the different campuses are encouraged.
Thanks to this application you can accumulate the kilometers that are made by bicycle, on foot, on skates or in a shared car to accumulate prizes.
After the 12 months of the program, the data confirm the involvement of UMU students and staff in the initiative, exceeding the figure of 34,580 kilometers (km) traveled in a sustainable way, which means the suspension of the emission of 8.5 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
60% of these kilometers have been traveled by bicycle (21,443 km) and more than 36% walking (12,501 km).
There have also been 166 km by car and 477 km in sports activities such as running (272 km) and skating (205 km).
The number of kilometers traveled has evolved constantly in all types of journeys throughout the year, keeping the bicycle as the most used means of transport.
The commitment of university students became evident during European Mobility Week, when the University of Murcia took second place in the 'Urban Mobility Challenge' contest in which a total of 15 Spanish universities participated.
This initiative has been initiated with the support of the Vice-Rectorate for Infrastructure Planning and developed by the Sustainable Campus in accordance with the objectives of the Vice-Rectorate on the promotion of sustainable and healthy mobility through environmental awareness campaigns.
Source: Universidad de Murcia