The University of Murcia inaugurated this Monday the XXXIII Week of Biology that in this edition will be dedicated to invasive species.
The activities will run until February 27 with the aim of disseminating, scientifically and culturally, the multiple facets related to Biology and the Environment.
The Biology Week, organized by the deanery and the commission of Cultural Activities and Socio-Sports Services of the Faculty of Biology, is consolidated as an event of great attraction and prestige, both in the university sector and among Murcian society and, especially , in the non-university education educational centers of the Region of Murcia.
It includes lectures on different teaching and research aspects, round tables on current topics and of scientific, informative or teaching interest, as well as photography and school drawing exhibitions of the competitions convened in each edition.
The open days aimed, especially, for students in 4th ESO and 1st and 2nd Baccalaureate, intend to make known to these students the degrees that are taught in the Faculty of Biology of the UMU: degree in Biology, degree in Biotechnology and degree in Environmental Sciences.
For this, these students, accompanied by their professors, visit the Faculty of Biology and carry out several scientific activities adapted to their knowledge.
The opening ceremony has been attended, among others, by Paloma Sobrado, Vice Chancellor of Students and Services to the University Community;
José Manuel López Nicolás, Vice Chancellor for Transfer and Scientific Dissemination;
Alfonsa García, dean of the Faculty of Biology;
Antonio González, managing director of the Seneca Foundation;
and Ginés Luengo, dean of the Official College of Biologists of the Region of Murcia.
During the same, the prizes of the XXXIII contest of biological photography, of the XVII school drawing contest, of the XIV Regional Olympiad of Biology, as well as the best academic records and the best Master's Degree in Bioinformatics Work have been awarded.
Source: Universidad de Murcia