The University of Murcia organizes this Tuesday, February 25, the conference 'Voluntary markets and carbon emissions compensation of companies: forest management as a tool to mitigate climate change', by Antonio Soler, president of the Nueva association Culture for the Climate;
and Esteban Jordán, manager of Entorno Natural SL.
The talk, which will take place in the classroom of the Faculty of Economics and Business at 10.30 am, will be presented by Federico Martínez-Carrasco, from the Department of Applied Economics at UMU.
The main objective of the conference is to present CO2 markets among students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, and the possibilities that for companies in the Region of Murcia have the promotion of carbon emission compensation systems, whether or not subject to CO2 markets.
In particular, the role that forestry areas can play within it, and the importance of enhancing their carbon sink function will be analyzed.
Finally, the LIFE FOREST CO2 project will be explained, which aims to encourage the development of a network of absorption experiences through forest carbon sinks throughout the national territory, with public and private initiatives increasingly dedicated to the development of sink projects with the purpose of selling the CO2 credits generated to interested organizations.
This activity is part of the planning of the Subject 'World Economy II' of the degree in Economics of the UMU and is free assistance.
Source: Universidad de Murcia