The Plenary Committee on Employment, Social Rights, Education and Culture has approved this initiative whose purpose is to establish a road map with actions aimed at social promotion, care and protection for children and adolescents
The Plenary Committee on Employment, Social Rights, Education and Culture, held this morning, has dismissed the allegations and definitively approved the first Municipal Children's Plan of the municipality.
The 2019-2022 Childhood Plan is the roadmap of the set of actions that will be developed in the municipality of Murcia for the social promotion, care and protection of children and adolescents with an estimated budget of 102.286.094 million euros .
The objective is to give prominence to minors and guarantee their well-being around the principles of equality, full inclusion and social integration.
This initiative is based on an analysis of the reality of childhood and adolescence in the municipality of Murcia, but with the aim of transcending specific responses to lay the foundations of a city model designed and configured for the citizenship of the future, in which values ​​of coexistence, integration, equality, tolerance, respect for difference, solidarity, sustainability and universal accessibility are encouraged.
Thus, this plan is the frame of reference for all the actions that, in matters of childhood and adolescence, are carried out in the municipality of Murcia.
In this way, the objectives are established to ensure adequate levels for the care, protection and promotion of children and adolescents, integrating and systematizing all the services, resources and activities that from the various municipal services are developed by rationalizing and homogenizing the resources available (current ones and those that may be generated in the future) to improve their effectiveness.
The set of municipal actions that are proposed are grouped into 6 areas that define the areas of action with the child and adolescent population, which aims to achieve the 6 planned goals and the 14 strategic objectives defined in the Plan, through 42 objectives general and 103 specific objectives with a total of 251 actions.
Area 1. Information, Participation and Children's Rights, incorporates the objectives and measures aimed at promoting knowledge and development of children's rights, with special emphasis on those aspects related to the right to information and direct participation, without forgetting the support to the associative movement and the obligation to continue deepening in the knowledge of the reality of childhood and in the coordination for the improvement of resources and services.
Area 2, Family, Protection and Promotion, includes the essential aspects of support and coverage of the basic needs that children have in their development and measures for reconciling work and family life, incorporating specific and complementary actions that guarantee at all times children at risk of poverty or social exclusion or lack of protection, extending their action to the situation of vulnerability of children and adolescents in other countries.
Area 3, Education, Training and Employment, contemplates the objectives and measures that complement the teaching and educational work of schools to complete their training process and those aimed at collaborating with the educational system in improving training and promoting reading, situations of absenteeism, abandonment or bullying, education against gender-based violence and for the training and incorporation of young people with early school leaving and work
Area 4, Health, Consumption and Physical and Sports Activity, groups all aspects related to the development of a healthy life, responsible consumption and physical and sports activity, with specific measures to address the problems related to addictions, food or psycho-affective problems related to adolescence.
Area 5, Culture and leisure and free time, integrates aspects related to access to culture, the development of multicultural, artistic promotion and the recreational and educational use of leisure and leisure time of childhood and adolescence incorporating those measures and actions for the social integration of those who have greater difficulties in accessing said resources.
Area 6, Safety and Environment, articulates the aspects related to the development of childhood life in its urban environment, the conditions to guarantee its physical integrity and its security in its immediate physical environment and in its approach, knowledge and respect to the nature.
To ensure compliance, 6 essential points are defined that constitute the goals of the Plan:
1. Establish the basis for guiding political and technical actions with children and adolescents, both present and future, in the different administrative areas of the City of Murcia.
2. Promote and promote actions and generate the necessary resources for attention to children and adolescents in the preventive, promotion and protection fields.
3. Promote the participation of the child population in the decision-making processes of those aspects that concern them.
4. Promote actions that favor the integral development of the child and adolescent population and the promotion of the values ​​of respect, responsibility, tolerance, solidarity, equality, peace, cooperation and non-discrimination.
5. Promote the realization of studies and research and the development of information registration methodologies that allow for a more thorough knowledge of the reality of children and adolescents in the municipality of Murcia.
6. Strengthen the inter-institutional coordination of all public and private entities, which intervene with children and adolescents and municipal services of the City of Murcia.
Finally, according to the starting situation on the situation of the child and adolescent population of the municipality, the following strategic objectives are proposed:
- Establish territorial work tables on childhood and adolescence that cover the entire municipality and that integrate all the social entities of the territory and its resources into a network that guarantees comprehensive care.
- Expand resources to facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life.
- Promote measures and actions aimed at the integration of the most vulnerable groups and neighborhoods and districts of the municipality with greater diversity of national origin of children and adolescents.
- Reduce the levels of risk of poverty and social exclusion of those under 18, through the development of actions against child and adolescent poverty
- Ensure full coverage of basic and socio-educational needs for the comprehensive care of those under 18 with a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion.
- Encourage early schooling of children from 0 to 3 years to equip it to the state average
- Contribute to the reduction of failure and early school leaving by generating support resources and socio-educational reinforcement.
- Promote adolescent job training.
- Increase the coverage of health prevention and dependency care programs.
- Promote sports practice
- Expand the child and adolescent population with access to leisure and free time resources in the municipality
- Ensure full accessibility to cultural, festive and leisure and leisure activities promoted or financed with municipal funds.
- Create safe and transit environments for children and adolescents.
- Improve knowledge of the environmental environment of children and adolescents
A participatory and transparent process
For its preparation, the Municipal Technical Commission for Children and Adolescents of the City of Murcia was formed, coordinated by the Directorate of the Social Services Area and composed of technical personnel of the municipal services most directly related to childhood and adolescence (Culture, Sports, Education, Employment, Kindergartens, Youth, Environment, Health, Citizen Security and Social Services), to which other municipal departments have been incorporated into successive work sessions.
The draft was distributed among social organizations and collaborating entities with the City of Murcia in matters of childhood and adolescence, to representatives of political groups represented in the municipal corporation and to municipal technical staff to make contributions to it.
A special mention deserves the participation of the child and adolescent population carrying out a process of information, analysis and collection of contributions and conclusions for the Municipal Childhood Plan with the children and adolescents participating in the different projects with childhood and adolescence that They develop in the municipality.
In the set of contributions received, around 2,400 children and adolescents from almost all neighborhoods and districts of the municipality are represented through the following projects:
- Socio-educational Intervention Project with Adolescents (Project 13 17), with 378 participants.
- Children's Activities Project (MYP), with 900 participants.
- Ciberalulas Project, with 110 participants.
- Fundación General Secretariado Gitano (Caixa Proinfancia Project), with 300 participants.
- Cáritas (Caixa Proinfancia Project), with 435 participants.
- Fundación CEPAIM (Caixa Proinfancia Project), with 220 participants.
- ASPANPAL Association, with 10 participants.
In total, a total of 511 contributions corresponding to the 29 groups, entities and groups that have participated in the process have been registered, of which a total of 393 have been incorporated into the Plan in its various sections and another 118 have been excluded due to lack the City Council of powers for its execution.
In this way, a wide participation and transparency in the process of elaboration of the Plan has been guaranteed, both of the social entities and of the children and adolescents themselves to whom it is addressed.
The municipality of Murcia has a population 443,477 inhabitants, of which 91,126 were under 18, distributed in 22 neighborhoods and 53 districts, according to the official data of the Municipal Register of Inhabitants.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia