The Traffic Service, under the Department of Sustainable Mobility and Youth, directed by Rebeca Pérez, is working on repainting various streets and avenues in the municipality, in order to increase the road safety of drivers and pedestrians.
Thus, last week began the work of repainting road signs Ronda Sur, from El Palmar Avenue, Los Dolores Avenue, Miguel Induráin Avenue and Kingdom of Murcia Avenue, to Los Cubos Roundabout.
According to forecasts, these works will end the last week of this month of February.
The signage included the repainting of the lane delimitation lines as well as the existing crosswalks and symbology, all with reflective acrylic paint.
Councilwoman Rebeca Pérez has explained that "these actions are carried out with a preventive maintenance character, since the horizontal signaling (pedestrian crossings, directional arrows, symbols, lane separation lines) is subject to continuous wear due to the performance of the road traffic and atmospheric and weather elements. "
It should be remembered that in the last months of last year these works were carried out in different vials of districts such as El Palmar, Baños and Mendigo, La Murta, Gea and Truyols, Avileses, Alquerías, El Raal, Santa Cruz, Casillas, Los Dolores, Zarandona, Cabezo de Torres, Monteagudo, Valladolises, Lobosillo, Los Martinez del Puerto, Cabezo de la Plata, Zeneta and San Ginés.
Other roads were repainted in the town center such as Avenida Primero de Mayo, Avenida Intendente Jorge Palacios, Ronda de Garay, Paseo Teniente Flomesta, Calle Plano de San Francisco, Calle Aroca, Avenida Juan de la Cierva, Calle García Alix, Calle de San Andrés , Gran Vía, Primo de Rivera Avenue and Circular Square.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia