The Plenary Commission of Urban Planning, Sustainable Development and Huerta, chaired by the Councilor for Sustainable Development and Huerta, Antonio Navarro, has given its approval the Regulation of Creation and Regulation of the Sectorial Council of Cultural Heritage of the Municipality of Murcia, which will be taken to the next Plenary session of February 27 for final approval.
The purpose of this Advisory Council will be the promotion of participation in municipal files for the protection and defense of Cultural Heritage, whether architectural, landscape or archeological, as well as other heritage elements and urban and landscape spaces, leaving the scope of the intangible heritage
This initiative responds to the motion passed unanimously in the municipal plenary session of May 2017, for the creation of a Municipal Cultural Heritage Advisory Council.
This body guarantees the participation of different specialized interlocutors and with recognized dedication in the matter, which via report and proposal, where appropriate, of the Council affect municipal policies related to the protection of cultural heritage.
In this way, a participation, consultation and advisory body is created in said field, whose composition may be integrated by associations, corporations, entities and other representative agents that accredit recognized experience in the field and are legally constituted.
From the functioning of the Sectorial Council, a joint reflection will be derived from its members that will relate and cooperate with the municipal authorities on matters that directly and indirectly affect the cultural heritage of the city and the districts, specifically its assets cataloged by the Plan General, to those affected by the Special Plan for the Conservation and Protection of Buildings, Assemblies and Elements of Historic-Artistic Interest of Murcia (PECHA), for the special plans in development of the DATE, for defined assets worthy of protection according to the CCAA that are located in the municipality of Murcia, and those that may appear.
This reflection will be formalized in a non-binding report that will reflect the responsible involvement of the members of the Council.
In this way, municipal management will be enriched with contributions from third-party external experts in defense of heritage, which may inform and inform the Administration of any threat, damage or disturbance that such property suffers.
Its members, as specialists with recognized dedication in the area of ​​protection, defense and conservation of heritage, will act deliberating, informing, collaborating, cooperating, highlighting any incident, making proposals and approaches, in the area of ​​Heritage that deserves protection , is already protected or is susceptible to protection.
The purpose of this Sectorial Council of the Cultural Heritage of the Municipality of Murcia is to promote and obtain a joint reflection of experts of recognized prestige who, with judgment and knowledge of the subject, and being able to belong to different fields - professionals, technicians, associations of recognized dedication to the study, defense, protection and recovery of heritage, corporations, university, administration-, participate, collaborate and cooperate with municipal authorities around issues of this nature that directly and indirectly affect the cultural heritage of the municipality
The Sectorial Council of the Cultural Heritage of the Municipality of Murcia will have the following functions:
Advice, study and prior consultation of the issues that, in matters of cultural heritage, the City of Murcia submits for its consideration on the following issues:
- The executive decisions that in the matter of historical heritage correspond to the municipal bodies in reference or that affect declared or initiated goods as protected, cataloged or BIC and archaeological areas.
- In the procedures in which the Autonomous Community or the State Administration request a municipal report on the declaration of assets of cultural interest or other protected goods
- On municipal projects of architecture, engineering, painting, sculpture or urban planning and actions that affect or may affect the heritage of the municipality
- When expressly requested by a political group of the municipal Plenary.
Analyze the situation of a good cataloged or protected or worthy of protection in the area of ​​the municipality of Murcia, and propose and promote initiatives, without binding character, for the promotion of its protection in a sustainable way.
Promote coordination between institutions or entities of a public or private nature, always experts in the field, to carry out initiatives and actions that improve this heritage.
Know the municipal policies regarding material heritage protected and protect.
Establish and maintain an interoperability with any other body or entity, public or private, with a relevant impact on the goods cataloged, protected or that can be protected in the future, that affect their territorial scope.
Analyze the influence of the development and planning of the territory and how it affects the heritage object of this CSPCMM.
Raise reports and proposals to the City Council to help improve its sustainable defense, its use, maintenance and protection.
Examine and inform and, where appropriate, access all matters and inquiries of interest directly to the Advisory Council or the City Council from other Public Administrations
It may propose, on a non-binding basis, the adoption of action measures within the territorial scope of the Council within the framework of municipal policies in this area.
Promote the realization of studies, research and reports in collaboration with the University, Professional Associations, Associations and other specialized non-profit entities, public or private, for the knowledge and dissemination of relevant aspects related to the problem of protection of the subject heritage of this Sector Council
Establish relations for the exchange of information and documentation with other local Sector Councils or similar or related bodies at the regional, national and international levels
Serve as a channel for the reception, manifestation and denunciation of situations of deterioration or serious credited risk of damage to assets
Promote the realization of studies, reports and actions aimed at promoting public awareness and solidarity with the need to protect heritage, as well as collaborate with the City Council in its implementation.
Notify the Administration of any threat, damage or disturbance of these assets that affect their existence, conservation or social function, as well as the difficulties and needs that have been detected in the care of these assets.
The Council will represent the different councils related to heritage, as well as representatives of Universities of Murcia, the General Directorate of Cultural Property of the Autonomous Community of the Region of
Murcia, from academic entities, from professional associations, from non-profit specialist associations are registered in the Municipal Registry of Citizen Entities and from an official chronicler of the municipality.
In addition, there will be an Advisory Committee that will have the task of guiding and advising the Sectorial Council of the Patrimony of the municipality of Murcia in those matters entrusted to it and the possibility of creating technical working groups as a specialized support unit is envisaged. to the Council.
This collegiate body will meet in ordinary session, every six months.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia