and four graduates in Medicine are among the hundred best of MIR |
Graduates of the University of Murcia have managed this year to be in the first positions in the national examinations of specialty of Medicine, Pharmacy, Psychology, Biology and Chemistry;
What comes to show the trend of recent years.
In the Internal Medical Resident (MIR) exam, four students from the University of Murcia have been among the top hundred positions.
These are Ana Fuentes Nieto (27), José Ramón Rodríguez Blanquer (32), Elisa Antolinos Macho (36) and José Francisco Orts Paco (79).
In addition to these prominent positions, around 30 others have obtained a position among the first thousand and the rest between one thousand and two thousand.
These are more than satisfactory results, taking into account that 16,400 people who were 7,512 people were presented for the exam;
with which almost all applicants trained in the UMU have passed the cut to obtain a place.
Also in the Faculty of Medicine, but in the degree of Pharmacy, José Gil Almela was formed, who has obtained the number 3 position in the Resident Internal Pharmacist (FIR) exam.
The excellent results in this specialty are reinforced, in addition, with the fact that, of the 271 places summoned for all of Spain, seven are for UMU graduates.
However, all these data are provisional, since the note claim period is still open.
On the other hand, in the Resident Internal Psychologist (PIR) test, Marta González Martínez has been ranked number four in the entire country.
In this call 4,439 people were presented for 189 places.
In the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Murcia, Andrés López Ramal has also studied, who has obtained the number 5 in the Internal Chemistry Resident (QUIR) exam.
This test was attended by 289 people, who opted for 15 seats.
In the tests of Internal Resident Biologist (BIR) Ángela Puche Canel has also been ranked number four.
In this case, 939 applicants for 51 seats were presented.
Source: Universidad de Murcia