In just three days since the registration opened, more than 200 teachers from all over Spain have already signed up to participate in 'Murcia Play Educating'.
Thus, only about fifty places remain to be able to attend this day, a pioneer at the national level, where the possibilities of table games as a teaching tool will be taught.
Throughout March 14, speakers of national relevance will offer lectures on the use of board games in the classroom as an educational tool and demonstration workshops.
In this way, attendees can learn from Julia Iriarte and Ruth Cerdán, psychologist and disseminator of alternative leisure of 'Bam!
Alternative family leisure ';
by Pablo Garaizar of the University of Deusto;
of Ascension Square Redondo and Isabel María Sanz Hidalgo of 'Editales' and the Murcian professor Antonio Jiménez.
In addition, teachers will be given a playful passport that will be filled out throughout the day.
In the end, after the delivery of the passport, games will be raffled for attendees and toy libraries for the centers to which the teachers belong.
Remember that 'Murcia Play Educating' is part of the great event of the table games 'MurciaJuega 2020', whose attendance is free, and will take place on March 14 and 15 in halls 1 and 2 and in the courtyard of the Artillery Barracks of Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia