The City Council, through the European Programs service, under the Department of Urban Agenda and Open Government, has been present at the transnational meeting of 'Urbact Innovator', held in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoc, a project that has as purpose the implementation of innovation in the public sector in order to improve the functioning of municipalities.
Specifically, this project is intended to improve internal communication processes among the workers of the session.
'Innovator', which just reached its equator this February in terms of the duration of the 2019-2020 program, is based on an initiative from Turin, the city that heads this network of locations where an implementation of this system is being carried out Innovation adapted to the municipal reality and the local environment.
The network is made up of Porto, Rotterdam, Paris, Veszprém, Cluj-Napoca, Murcia and Turin and its implementation entails the creation of an internal mechanism in public administrations, which allows the channeling of proposals for improvement in information flows within the consistory.
The innovation starts from public employees who work for the city council, knowledgeable about their environment and internal processes.
In this way, in the words of Mercedes Bernabé, “the direct objective is the creation of microprojects of rapid implementation, which arise from the employees' own experiences of success, to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the town hall in the field of internal communication "
“In this sense, Murcia has presented the experience that has been carried out in our municipality and in which a total of 12 municipal services have participated.
From this process, a set of proposals for improvement for internal communication processes have been presented and presented since its launch in February 2019, â€explained Mercedes Bernabé.
'Innovator' is part of Urbact, a European Territorial Cooperation program par excellence, whose objective is to promote sustainable urban development integrated into cities across Europe, as an instrument of Cohesion Policy and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) ).
Likewise, the initiative has as fundamental pillar the fulfillment with the Thematic Objective Eleven (OT: 11) of the European Commission: 'The improvement of the efficiency of the public administration'.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia