The University of Murcia (UMU) has celebrated this Friday, February 14, the solemn act of delivering the Gold Medal to five ex-rectors of the institution and the Medal of Honor to the ONCE Foundation in a ceremony that has taken place in the University Social Center and which has had the presence of an important representation of the university community.
It has been, in the words of the rector, José Luján, "an act in which the university honors itself by honoring an institution and some people whose presence among us has made us better."
The ceremony was attended by the president of the Autonomous Community, Fernando López.
The rectors of the University of Murcia José Antonio Lozano Teruel (1980-1984), Juan Roca Guillamón (1990-1994), Juan Monreal Martínez (1994-1998), José Ballesta Germán (1998-2006) and José Antonio Cobacho Gómez (2006 -2014) have received the Gold Medal from the University of Murcia for their dedication and effort committed during their mandates for the benefit of the institution.
The rector Luján has detailed during his speech some of the milestones achieved during the mandates of each of them and that "mark a line of progress in university construction as a reference for the generation and transmission of knowledge."
During the term of Lozano Teruel, the creation of the first constituent cloister of the University of Murcia took place, the promotion of the Espinardo Campus and the acquisition of Convalescence;
with Roca, the number of 30,000 students was reached for the first time and the academic offer was reordered with the birth of University Schools of Social Graduates, Social Work and Library and Information Science and the Faculties of Education, Psychology, Mathematics and Chemistry;
in the rectory of Juan Monreal there was a notable boom in institutional and international relations and the implementation of works of the buildings of five key centers of the UMU;
with Ballesta at the head of the UMU, seven titles were incorporated into the catalog of studies, four faculty buildings were built, the veterinary clinical hospital and the university acquired the University Pavilion of the Artillery Barracks and the University Museum;
and with Cobacho at the head of the rector's office, the challenge of adapting the studies to the European Higher Education Area was faced, collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Cartagena was strengthened through the Mare Nostrum Campus, the catalog of titles was expanded and the Construction of the Health Sciences Campus.
"The government of a university is not, however, an individual task. It is always the collective work of a handful of university students convinced of their ability to improve their university," said Luján, who wanted to extend the distinction also to those who were part of the rectoral teams.
José Antonio Lozano Teruel has highlighted in his thank you speech his delivery to the University of Murcia, which has been part of his life since his student stage;
"I can only express my gratitude because I owe a large part of my life to the University of Murcia."
Lozano Teruel has personalized his thanks to all his collaborators in the rectorship, to the students and to the staff with whom he has worked throughout his career.
For his part, Juan Roca, has reminded the people who accompanied him "on that exciting project" that was to lead the University.
Roca has highlighted the value of "the university community as a block difficult to crack because of the attacks that come from outside."
Juan Monreal has highlighted of all the recognized exrectors "the delivery and responsibility beyond the successes and errors that we could have in the rector's task".
Monreal has remarked that "the more than forty years dedicated to the University of Murcia have fully satisfied my professional aspirations" and thanked those who accompanied him in a task he exercised with enthusiasm.
In his speech, José Ballesta has assured that "the office of rector is not learned in any school, it obliges the person who shows it to be continuously learning and to seek the support of his government team and the entire university community";
and has assured that "the enthusiasm that one day led us to dedicate our life to the university is still alive".
José Antonio Cobacho, for his part, recalled the role played by Rectors Soler and Sabater in his career within the university;
at the same time he has transmitted his "maximum gratitude to the university community; to the teaching staff, to the students and to the administration and services staff".
A recognition for outstanding services
As Rector Luján recalled in his speech, to date the occasions on which the University of Murcia has delivered this distinction have been counted, although its regulation dates back to 1979 and its objective is to make recognition recognized to individuals, corporations or societies, national or foreign, who have excelled in the field of scientific research, teaching, in the cultivation of Letters and Arts, or who have somehow provided outstanding services to the university .
To date, only Tomás Zamora, who received it after being president of the Social Council in two terms, has been honored with this distinction at the UMU;
Rodrigo Ferna´ndez-Carvajal, who was Professor of Political Law and who received it posthumously;
Clemente García, mayor of Murcia, member of the Social Council and president of CROEM;
and Antonio Pérez Crespo, also posthumously, for his career that led him to hold positions such as the president of the Regional Council of Murcia between 1978 and 1979, deputy and senator for the Region of Murcia, among other merits.
In spite of being a habitual practice the recognition to the work of the rectors in all the Spanish universities, until today in the UMU only two rectors had been recognized with the Gold Medal, and both posthumously.
In 2000, Francisco Sabater García, who was rector between 1975 and 1980. And in 2005, Antonio Soler Andre´s, rector between 1984 and 1990. "This morning the University of Murcia is shaken, therefore, a strange lethargy and, of In agreement with the petition expressed by the Academic Distinctions Committee of the Cloister, it has presented the Gold Medal to the rectors Lozano Teruel, Roca Juan, Monreal Martínez, Ballesta Germán and Cobacho Gómez, all of which concluded some or many years ago their respective mandates. And, in accordance with the aforementioned Regulations of Distinctions, they must be followed, as soon as the current legislature, the rector Orihuela Calatayud, "said Luján.
Medal of Honor for the ONCE Foundation
Along with the tribute to the rectors, the University of Murcia has also presented, for the first time in its history, the Medal of Honor of the institution, which aims to distinguish people, groups or institutions socially recognized for their contribution to the improvement of the quality of life and the defense of human rights and ethical values.
The Once Foundation has been working as an inclusion agent since 1998 through the development of different labor integration, training and employment programs for people with disabilities and universal accessibility.
"At the University of Murcia we believe in inclusion and we practice it," said Luján, who pointed out that this work for inclusion "is not our exclusive merit but of the institutions that trust and believe in us, such as the ONCE Foundation, thanks to whose continuous support and collaboration we have been able to carry out a large part of the social actions that characterize and identify us as a truly inclusive University. "
Source: Universidad de Murcia