Two FADE Foundation projects will train those on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the distribution of educational and recreational material, thanks to the support of the City Council of Murcia and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.
The FADE Foundation begins 2020 with two initiatives aimed at publicizing the objectives and goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, aimed at eradicating poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Specifically, the 'Live the Solidarity through SDG II' project, funded by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, is based on the creation of an 'SDG Tool Kit': a small chest containing several instruments to understand and explain the importance of the 17 objectives in our daily lives through games, documentary sources, recreational activities, recommendations, etc.
The SDG Tool Kit or "pedagogical suitcase" will be delivered to two key groups: the FADE volunteer and the teaching staff of the Primary schools in the Region of Murcia.
Training sessions will be held with both of them so that they become multiplying agents and exploit the pedagogical resources optimally.
This material will be delivered to two key groups: the FADE volunteering and the teaching staff of the Primary schools in the Region of Murcia, on a training day planned in October.
The implementation of these activities will raise awareness of a total of 2,930 people about the SDGs.
Another initiative
In turn, the 'ConcienciaODS' project, which has the support of the City of Murcia, reinforces the impact of the use of the 'Tool Kit' in the socio-educational services coordinated by FADE in various environments of the municipality of Murcia (CEIP San Andrés, center Municipal García Alix and IES Miguel de Cervantes), in an out-of-school non-formal education environment.
The purpose of the project is to make the children, youth and volunteers of these services ambassadors of the values ​​of the SDGs and sensitize 1,100 people.
The project includes a t-shirt customization contest at these centers, inviting the participating minors to make a design committed to the SDGs through the use of paint, markers, clippings, etc.
Both projects are part of the entity's strategy in development cooperation and education for global citizenship, from the promotion of collaborative and networked work.
To participate in the Training Day and in the dissemination of the Ods Tool Kit, you can contact the FADE Foundation directly via email:
Source: Agencias