The mayor announces that if in a few days it is not celebrated, it will be the Socialist Group that brings together the members of the Bureau
Today 15 days ago, the Plenary unanimously approved to convene the Transportation Bureau, without being held since March 2018, as the first initiative to make decisions that solve the main and most pressing problems with public transport.
"How could it be otherwise, despite being all aware that we must resolve the deficiencies, we know nothing about the call of this body," explains the socialist councilor Juan Vicente Larrosa.
He adds that "it is delusional that we continue to spin when one day yes and another we also have complaints and protests from users for being crowded or not arriving at their destinations at the time," adds the mayor, who recalls that the Transportation Board are councilors of all the municipal groups, the general director of Transportation, representatives of the tram, the 'coloraos', of LAT, of the Taxi, of consumers and users, of the Federation of Neighbors, of trade associations, of the Observatory of the Bicycle, from environmental organizations, from Cermi and from the company committees of public transport operators.
"Every time we denounce a situation in which the residents of the municipality suffer delays due to lack of buses or are transferred as canned sardines, the answer of the PP is that we are going to convene the Transportation Board, but it is never celebrated because the team de Ballesta has never believed in participation, nor in this body, in breach of the Operating Regulations, as his party partners in the Autonomous Community do not comply with the Transport Law, since they do not assign us the powers, nor terminate the Master Plan or create the Metropolitan Transport Entity ... ", declares Larrosa, who also states that" in the meantime, we are getting worse, more and more "
From the PSOE, we warn that "we will not wait any longer, if in a few days it is not convened, we will call the components to celebrate it, because we understand that the solutions must be agreed, more than anything to have everyone's support those involved. "
Likewise, the councilor points out that "we have serious pollution problems that require a significant reduction in traffic and we have our neighbors waiting for a quality public transport, with enough lines and frequencies to transfer them to the point of the municipality they need."
Therefore, he asks "what is urgent for the government team? Plant flowers ?, because transport and mobility we see that no, because everything is subject to ideas and occurrences that ultimately solve nothing."
In fact, "today we read in the press that the pollution has dramatic and measurable lethal effects. The inhalation of the toxic substances that the combustion of coal, oil and gas throws into the air kills 67 Spaniards every day. We do not understand how we are not solved. transport problems to try to tackle this situation as much as possible ".
"It has always cost the PP to convene the Public Transport Bureau of the Municipality of Murcia, but also it is difficult to remedy the problems that lurk the neighbors, especially if you have to stand against your teammates as it is in this case the Minister of Development. They are submissive and allow us not to transfer the competencies of transport to the City Council, which would expedite the measures to improve frequencies, routes, a more than necessary rearrangement, "says Larrosa.
"It is essential to take measures without further delay seeing how the lines that depend on the Community are: line 31 with massification or line 28 where users are planted against the disappearance of reinforcements. However, the lines that depend on the City Council either They are at their best with continuous complaints from users in the southern zone, Lightning 80, which leaves many neighbors at the stops, or Lightning 14 that to go from Young Futura to the center of Murcia takes longer than from Mula to Murcia".
Now, "with this scenario, tell us that it is not necessary to hold the Transportation Board and take action."
Source: PSOE Murcia