The Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Faith of Murcia, within its annual cycle of talks and conferences for its members and other interested parties, celebrates next Saturday, February 22 at 12 noon in the Parish Hall of the Church of San Francisco de Assisi, the cofrade formation under the title "Shroud of Turin and shroud of Oviedo from legal and forensic medicine".
The talk will be given by Mr. Alfonso Sánchez Hermosilla, researcher at UCAM, forensic doctor of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Murcia, director of the Research Team of the Spanish Center for Syndonology (EDICES) and scientific advisor of the International Center for Syndonology of Turin .
The medical-forensic study conducted jointly on the Shroud of Oviedo and the Shroud of Turin, by the doctor and his team, not only reaffirms that both garments wrapped the same person, but also this one, when it was already a corpse and being in position vertically, he suffered a penetrating wound that would pass through the right hemithorax, with entry through the fifth intercostal space and exit through the room, near the spine and the right scapula, leaving blood clot and pleuro-pericardial fluid marks on both garments (in the Shroud for its contact with the entry and exit holes, and in the shroud with the outlet).
Entry is free until full.
Source: Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de la Fe