The Councilor for Sustainable Development and Huerta, Antonio Navarro, has responded to the Villa de Aljucer Youth Association that "Oliver's Mill will be recovered thanks to a consensus project."
Navarro has indicated that "we have already developed, in collaboration with the Board of Landowners, a rehabilitation project that includes the machinery, the mill and the regeneration of the environment proposing an open and public use of the building. This action, which has already been submitted to report of the General Directorate of Cultural Property, was exposed in an informative meeting in the village and there were many voices in favor. "
The councilor has continued explaining that "the Ombudsman has acted according to normal, only opening file to request information from the competent institution"
"Our goal is to value our historical and cultural heritage, in this case, the Molino Oliver, and we will do it with all the technical reports," the councilor finished.
Source: PP Murcia