The Governing Board today approved the 2020 Contracting Plan that the City Council of Murcia has prepared for the first time and will allow planning its contractual activity, guaranteeing compliance with deadlines and achieving the objectives of efficiency, economy of means, transparency , concurrence and improvement of the quality of the hiring.
This plan contains more than 360 contracts, 120 of works, 170 of services, 70 of supplies and between 2 and 5 of concession of services.
This is a first estimate that may experience variations throughout 2020 that will allow for better planning and control of needs in terms of material and human resources and will also provide companies with prior information on contracts and services that The City Council plans to carry out.
The best deals
The publication of this first Recruitment Plan on the municipal website and in the profile of the contractor hosted on the Public Sector Contracting Platform also means the opportunity to inform economic operators what the needs are institutional plans that are intended to be covered by the projected contracts, for their study and preparation with due anticipation, which will result in obtaining the best offers in terms of quality-price.
Dynamic plan
The Annual Contracting Plan has been prepared with the data provided by the different municipal services and areas and is indicative, which means that it does not require tendering of all related contracts or under the conditions indicated, if it is taken into account that they They may suffer modifications depending on the needs that arise throughout the year.
However, those services and areas that have not submitted the contracts for inclusion in the Plan must justify why the required information was not sent within the stipulated deadlines.
The information provided by municipal services and areas is sorted by type of contracts, works, services, supplies and concessions and includes the following data submitted:
Promoter service
Name of the contract.
Batch division
If reserved for Special Employment Centers, social initiative, insertion company or protected employment programs
CPV code (Common vocabulary of public contracts)
Subject to Harmonized Regulation
Expected date
Estimated value / tender base budget
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia