The Councilor for Sustainable Development and Huerta, Antonio Navarro, has responded to Izquierda Unida-Verdes Murcia that “this Government Team has demonstrated its commitment to the recovery of the garden with different actions that we have been implementing for four years”
Navarro has indicated that “we are working to find solutions to the management of agricultural waste since the treatment of pruning is regulated by an authorization procedure in the Department of Plant Health of the CARM.
We work in the environmental management of these agricultural wastes with the different initiatives that we have developed such as the agreement with Asaja so that farmers have a crusher, composting proposals, on-site collection in plots of Huerta for treatment in management centers of waste and different actions of information and awareness ”.
"Everyone who wants to join these initiatives or provide suggestions and ideas just have to contact us because we are sure that we will find a solution that benefits everyone," said Navarro.
Source: PP Murcia