The Councilor for Culture and Heritage Recovery, Jesús Pacheco, accompanied by the president of the Federation of Moors and Christians, Javier Arenas, has presented this morning the program of activities of the Middle Year Festero, which is celebrated from today until 23 February
For the first time in history, the act of election of Flags and proclamation of festive charges, celebrated on the 23rd at the Romea Theater will feature live music.
Also, and framed within the acts of Murcia Spanish Capital of Gastronomy 2020, the conference 'The Andalusian legacy in our gastronomy' has been organized, by Pablo González-Conejero, at the Almudí Palace on February 20.
The events begin this afternoon with the presentation of the candidates for Child Bearer and the Federation and Reading of the Voice of the Celebration with the Celebrator of the Year 2019 Sebastian Ramallo.
It will be in the Assembly Hall of the building attached to the Town Hall, at 8.30 pm
On Saturday, February 8, the Rincón Huertano restaurant will host the gala dinner in which the 2020 Kings and the 2020 Festero will be proclaimed, and the prizes for best decoration Medieval Camp 2019 and 'Civitas Murcie' Awards will be awarded.
This year, exceptionally and in an honorary way, the federation will award the 'Civitas Murcie' prize to the parade, to the units that collaborated in the restoration of Murcia and its districts affected by the Dana.
The program is completed with the following activities:
Sunday February 9
• 10.30h.
Coexistence Flag.
In Jumilla you will visit the Casa de la Ermita Winery, where you will see the wine museum after which you will visit the Vico Theater and several Holy Week venues (the house Museum of Our Father Jesus Nazareno and that of the Christ Moored to the Column), and This year its Holy Week has been declared of international tourist interest.
To end the day they will be received at the Jumilla City Council.
Monday February 10
7:30 p.m.
Visit with the Candidates to Flag of the Federation, Jury and Fees Festeros, to the facilities of Estrella de Levante.
Friday February 14
1:30 p.m.
Official Reception of the Mayor, José Ballesta, to the Festeros and Candidate Positions to the Child and Major Flag Bearer of the Federation, in the Plenary Hall of the Hon.
Murcia City Hall.
Sunday, February 16
12:00 h.
Day of Coexistence of the Middle Year Festero, in the Patio de
Weapons of the Artillery Barracks.
Monday February 17
11:00 h.
Visit of the candidates to the Flag Bearer of the Federation, with the
Jury, to the facilities of the Alcantarilla Air Base.
Wednesday, February 19
8:30 p.m.
Conference "Murcia-Seville: the loyalty of two cities to their king", by José María López Lacárcel, in the Cajamar Assembly Hall, Plaza de Julián Romea.
Thursday, February 20
8:30 p.m.
Conference "The Andalusian legacy in our gastronomy", by Mr. Pablo González-Conejero, in the Almudí Palace.
Sunday, February 23
5:30 p.m.
Parades of the candidates for Abanderadas and Cargos Festeros, from the Plaza del Cardenal Belluga to the Romea Theater.
6:30 p.m.
Flag Election and Official Proclamation of Charges
Festeros of the Federation of Moors and Christians of Murcia, in the
Romea Theater
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia