The councilors of the Municipal Socialist Group Enrique Lorca and Carmen Fructuoso have offered this morning a press conference in the space occupied by the Accessible Center for Youth, in Juan de Borbón, announced and projected in 2010 and abandoned to their fate to this day .
10 years have passed and more than € 800,000 have been spent directly, which means "one of the greatest exponents of the failure of the PP policy in the municipality of Murcia, that is, a policy of waste, delays, continuous unfulfilled and mismanaged announcements of the City of Murcia, "declares Lorca Apart from that," we are convinced that the PP does not bet strongly on young people, nor in matters of leisure, employment or housing. We believe that their priorities are in other things, not precisely in the well-being of the neighbors, that they have services and quality of life, "says Fructuoso.
Both councilors say that "at this point it is convenient that the center be completed as soon as possible, not only for not losing the large amount of money invested, which will be much more than originally planned, but because it is necessary to have facilities of these characteristics. "
This center began to be built in 2010 and had a budget of € 1,100,000 (of which 950,000 would leave the municipal coffers and 150,000 from the Murciano Institute of Social Action).
In addition, a workshop school had previously done the site preparation work.
The work was awarded for an amount of € 771,417 for the construction of the foundations and the structure.
The winning company entered into bankruptcy proceedings, when only € 20,000 had to be certified.
In addition, the PP announced that several workshop schools would perform different actions inside.
"In 2012 and 2013, it is promised again that a total of 40 young people selected would learn different trades and would be responsible for finishing the structure and executing the second phase, consisting of the enclosure and execution of interiors (painting, plumbing, lacquering , etc.) But nothing is done, "explains the councilor.
Subsequently, at the end of 2016 and early 2017 the project is resumed and a new contract worth € 226,028 is awarded for the closing of the building and two other workshop school projects are re-announced (valued at € 400,000 and € 500,000 with the co-financing of the European Social Fund).
These would perform again inside.
"To finish this gruesome, the works cannot begin until February 2018 because the City Council lacked the coordination of occupational health and safety, so in July 2018, with only 7% of the jobs that had been tendered and executed , according to the municipal technicians and having spent about € 17,000, the City Council decides to terminate the contractual relationship with the new bidder, for alleged breaches of the contract, meanwhile, of the workshop schools, it was never known, "says Lorca.
For all this, the councilors, accompanied at the press conference of the Secretary of Youth of the PSOE, Javier Espinosa, and socialist representatives of the Municipal Board, José María Herrera and María Manzanera, raise many questions that they consider pertinent for the PP to answer, such as for example, why it allows the installations to be in these conditions of neglect and abandonment, where anyone can access and even suffer an accident, in fact, material has been stolen, with fences full of rust and with so few security measures .
"We also need to know how much money has been invested in this work, why its construction was divided and if the City Council has had to return any of the subsidies and aid received," they say.
On the other hand, Carmen Fructuoso demands a participatory process, of young people, neighbors of Santiago and Zaraiche and Municipal Board to redefine the uses of this property and insists that it is a very necessary installation because with only three youth centers for the entire municipality A group of 130,000 young people can be served.
Source: PSOE Murcia