The VIII Week of Philosophy of the Region of Murcia, promoted by the Society of Philosophy of the Region of Murcia with the support of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Murcia, starts this Tuesday under the title 'Philosophy and feminisms'.
Conferences will take place until next Thursday at the Las Claras Cultural Center of the Cajamurcia Foundation, in Murcia.
The inaugural conference will be given by Cristina Sánchez Muñoz, Professor of Law Philosophy at UAM, who will dedicate her talk to 'Philosophy and Philosophers: Silence and the Word'.
It will be at 18.45 in Las Claras.
On Wednesday, February 5, at 6:30 pm, the round table 'Philosophy and Feminism in Secondary Education' will take place in which Francisco Béjar, Lara Soler Ortiz and Loola Pérez will participate.
Then, starting at 7:45 p.m., María José Añón Roig, Professor of Law Philosophy at the University of Valencia will give the conference 'Gender-based violence against women.
Conceptual iusfilosófica approach.
On Thursday, in the final session, there will be two conferences.
The first, entitled 'The end of feminism', will be in charge of Pablo De Lora Deltoro, senior professor of Philosophy of Law at UAM, and will begin at 6.30 pm.
The last of the conferences of the week will begin at 7:45 pm and will be entitled 'What feminism (in front of the extreme right)?'.
It will be taught by Clara Serra, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the UCM.
Source: Universidad de Murcia