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The Plenary Hall welcomes the appointment of Bernardo Kliksberg, 'father of the RSC', as dean of his namesake school (29/01/2020)

This academic project, based in New York, Buenos Aires and Madrid, among other cities, has been developed by Hispanic American College (HAC).

Jos Ballesta thanked the "step forward" of Kliksberg and said that "today more than ever our society needs leaders committed to ethics, values ​​and responsibility."

The Plenary Hall this morning welcomed the appointment of Bernardo Kliksberg (Argentina, 1940) as dean of the institution that bears his name, the RSC School Bernardo Kliksberg, an academic project based in New York, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Murcia , Malaga and Seville, developed by Hispanic American College (HAC).

Bernardo Kliksberg, considered 'the father of corporate social responsibility (CSR)' and a world authority on development ethics, has been appointed in Murcia as dean of the RSC School Bernardo Kliksberg, since in this city - specifically, in Frutos Baeza Street - is where his oldest delegation is located in Spain, not counting its headquarters in Madrid.

The mayor of Murcia, Jos Ballesta, who presided over this act accompanied by the Councilor for Urban Agenda and Open Government, Mercedes Bernab, thanked the "step forward" of Kliksberg and said that "our society needs leaders committed to ethics, values ​​and The responsability.

Today, more than ever, we need ethical supports, moral springs like those collected in the academic world. ”

New York, Seville and Buenos Aires, among other cities

The Bernando Kliksberg School is an academic project developed by Hispanic American College (HAC), with the objective of promoting quality training programs, oriented to practice, facilitating the leap of theory to the real world of Social Responsibility of Organizations, such as companies, SMEs, NGOs, trade unions, employers' organizations, universities, media, etc.

During the event, the director of the Hispanic American College (HAC) School, Fernando Navarro, as well as the president and founder of this entity, Ray Cazorla, who presented the honorary diploma to Bernardo Kliksberg.

5 university degrees and more than 60 honorary doctorates

Bernardo Kliksberg, who holds five university degrees, as well as more than 60 honorary doctorates, is the author of 65 books and hundreds of works.

'First people', 'Ethics for entrepreneurs',' How to face poverty and inequality ',' The great challenge.

Breaking the trap of inequality since childhood 'and' More ethics, more development 'are some of the works he has written.

In his research and advisory work he applies a multidisciplinary approach, integrating contributions from different economic and social sciences, such as ethics, history, politics and sociology.

Among other distinctions, Bernardo Kliksberg has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and the Prince of Asturias Award.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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