Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


About 5,000 Murcia families benefit from the social water rate of 5 euros per month in 2019 (23/12/2019)

In 2019, 3,400 applications have been reached to access this social rate, a year in which the third consecutive drop in the price of water in Murcia has taken place, up to 5.42%.

Associations, NGOs and public administrations that transfer homes to families in vulnerable situations, can benefit from the social rate, which also includes the extension of the rate of garbage.

They will request the CHS to extend the concession to 15 cubic hectometers of the municipal water treatment plant of La Contraparada;

which will result in a further drop in water rates.

The mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, today chaired the Board of Directors of Aguas de Murcia, which reported on the data related to the social water rate, coinciding with the end of the year 2019. In total there have been more than 4,900 Murcia families who have received this social fee of 5 euros per month this year, which is about 16,600 people.

In 2019, 3,400 applications have been reached to access this social rate, a year in which the third consecutive drop in the price of water in Murcia has taken place, up to 5.42%, through the new Ordinance.

In 2016 the reduction of up to 9% of the price of water came into effect, which was the first in the history of the municipality of Murcia.

Subsequently, another 5% was reduced.

These declines benefit 80% of domestic consumption, benefiting 150,000 Murcia families.

No suspension of supply to families

With regard to the social rate, the objective is to provide assistance to families in situations of economic vulnerability who have not been able to pay previous bills because they are in this precarious situation.

In addition, they have the exemption in the rate of garbage (zero quota of garbage).

In this way, the City Council and Aguas de Murcia maintain their commitment to those most in need so that they have access to water and sanitation, thus fulfilling Objective 6 of the SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals).

There is also a commitment not to suspend the supply for non-payment to these families.

Another great novelty of social rates is that associations, NGOs, nonprofit organizations and public administrations that transfer homes to vulnerable people or families can benefit from the social rate.

Also those transferred by individuals to the aforementioned entities and for the use of families in situations of exclusion or vulnerability, provided they have the positive mark of the Social Services.

Request to the CHS to expand the water purification of Contraparada

On the other hand, the Water Administration Council of Murcia approved to request the Segura Hydrographic Confederation to extend the concession to 15 cubic hectometers of the municipal water treatment plant of La Contraparada;

a measure that will allow water prices to be adjusted, which will result in a new drop in rates for Murcian families.

This action has the backing of the Plenary Session of the City of Murcia, which unanimously approved the motion corresponding to this issue, last Thursday.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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