The Podemos-Equo municipal group intends that the space, traditionally reserved for the authorities and their families, be transferred to families who, due to their vulnerability, have difficulty accessing the chairs distributed along the route of the afternoon parade from January 5.
We can Equo take two more motions to the Plenary.
One to involve the City of Murcia in the guarantee and care of the pension system.
And a third, jointly with the PSOE, to request the corporation that the future Dance Conservatory be built in the southern part of the municipality.
"This parade is one of the favorite days of the smallest of the house. Being able to see the parade from a place like the tribune is a privilege held, until now, by the people who decide from Mayor's Office, which are, for the most part, people with institutional responsibility and their sons and daughters. "
For this reason, the mayor of Podemos-Equo, Clara Martínez Baeza, will ask that all children have the same rights and given "that there are children who have serious difficulties to access the parade in the usual way, we will request support so that the City Hall itself is the one that yields and facilitates the enjoyment of an event so special and expected by minors. "
Minors under the tutelage of the Community, in a situation of disability, unaccompanied foreign minors, sons and daughters of women victims of gender violence, as well as minors in situations of poverty and risk of social exclusion, would be the beneficiaries proposed by the motion.
Due to its situation of vulnerability and the difficulties for all known to access the parade chairs (due to the collapse of the website and the poor management of the seats for sale on the same day of the event), it becomes necessary that the City Council guarantee to all children that they can "live with intensity such an exciting day for them as it is the afternoon of Reyes".
On the other hand, the councilman and spokesman of the group, Ginés Ruiz Maciá, will take a motion to the Plenary to guarantee the future of pensions.
"Due to the rupture of the Toledo pact and the new pension revaluation mechanism, we are committed to a progressive impoverishment of pensioners and uncertainty about a retirement that is not guaranteed by the system but to which the workers are contributing rigorously. "
For all these reasons, Podemos-Equo will ask the Plenary to urge the Government and all the parliamentary groups present in the Congress "to guarantee the purchasing power of pensions, eliminating the sustainability factor in Law 23/2013 and including within its articles that they must be updated annually in accordance with the CPI. "
The motion will also ask the City Council to express its commitment to the defense of the Public Pension System.
In addition, together with the PSOE, Podemos-Equo will take a joint motion on Thursday to ask the City Council to transfer a lot in the south, rather than in the north, to the Ministry of Education for construction. of the new building that will house the Conservatory of Dance.
The motion also insists on the need, while this construction is being carried out, that the session urges the council to undertake the necessary arrangements in the current building, guaranteeing the safety of the students.
Source: Podemos-Equo