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The City Council values ​​the figure of women with workshops, cycles and urban routes (28/11/2019)

The # MurciaMiCiudadEnseña educational program gives the opportunity to meet some of the most relevant personalities through a city tour.

The Museum of Science and Water programs throughout the year exhibitions on the most important researchers.

The City Council organizes throughout the year, through its various departments, various activities to give visibility to women in all areas.

In this way, the Museum of Science and Water includes in its programming contents that provide information related to researchers and relevant scientists.

Some of the most significant that have had continuity over the years are the exhibitions 'Mathematical women', 'With A of astronomers', 'Maternities' and 'Immortal books', which tell the life of scientists and engineers through photographs, books or instruments.

They also highlight several conference cycles such as 'Science and food', aimed at addressing issues about healthy foods, 'Women and science', 'Mathematical women' and 'Various scientific disciplines'.

The cycle 'Women and girls in science' is held every year and for this 2020 it is planned, among other activities, a conference by Maribel Parra Lledó, director of the Museum of Science and Water, which will be entitled 'Pioneers around the world: scientists, travelers, adventurers in history'.

On a permanent basis, the museum has a collection of large silhouettes that are exhibited in the water room and is dedicated to women who have excelled in different scientific disciplines.

This activity will continue next year as a reference for young people visiting the exhibition center.

Urban routes

The students of 6th of Primary Education and 1st of Secondary Education have the opportunity to know the most representative places where the life of relevant women of the Region of Murcia has developed.

This is the activity 'Murcia en Femenino', framed in the educational program # MurciaMiCiudadEnseña of the Department of Education and Kindergartens for this school year.

The City Council gives students the opportunity to meet some of the most prominent places in the city with women as protagonists in all fields: cultural, artistic, scientific, social, political and religious.

The tour begins in the San Francisco Plan where you can see the relief medallion of La Matrona de Murcia, on the main facade of the Almudí Palace.

The walk continues through the Glorieta de España to discover the two allegories that accompany the Coat of Arms of the City, located on the main balcony of the City Hall building, highlighting Antonia Martínez as the female political representation of the municipal corporation.

The facade of the Cathedral shows the historical figures of Santa Florentina and Santa Teresa, as relevant figures of the Church and founders of the monasteries and the central body of the Imafronte dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Students meet women in art in the Plaza de los Apóstoles with Carmen Conde (poet) and Dionisia García (writer and poet).

Thus, the Superior School of Dramatic Arts and Dance, former seminary of San Fulgencio and first university of Murcia, will announce important figures of interpretation and dance, such as Eva López Crevillen, Pepa Aniorte, Marta Nieto, Asunción Balaguer, María Jesús They serve, Barbara Rey, Pepa Astilleros and Margarita Lozano.

It also highlights the female presence in the Door of the Apostles with the shield of Isabel II and its historical influence in the streets of the city center.

In short, through this action, students walk the streets, squares and buildings of historical interest, using as reference plates, shields, sculptures, allegories and symbols of the city.

Another of the activities of the # MurciaMiCiudadEnseña educational program is the concert for Peace and Gender Equality 'Women of Soul and Verse', aimed at students in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ESO.

It is an interactive poetic-musical recital through Spanish and Latin American universal poets, such as Rosalía de Castro, Concha Méndez, Alfonsina Storni, Dulce María Loinaz and Concepción Arenal.

Courses for women

The City Council, through the Computing and Women's area service, also offers courses related to Information Technology in order to break digital illiteracy and promote equal opportunities, as well as to improve employability.

There are courses currently open in different districts of Murcia, such as Barriomar, Cañadas de San Pedro, Churra, El Raal, Espinardo-Espiritu Santo, Guadalupe, Jerónimo and Avileses, La Albatalía, La Raya, Llano de Brujas, Los Dolores, Nonduermas, Puebla from Soto, Puente Bacon, Rincón de Beniscornia, San Ginés, Santiago and Zaraiche, Santo Ángel, Sucina, Vistabella, Zarandona, Sangonera la Verde, Sangonera la Seca, Alquerías, El Esparragal, Patiño and Avileses.

Streets of scientists

The City Council approved in the plenary of June 28, 2018 put in La Alberca, specifically in Montevida, a street dedicated to the 'Researcher Margarita Salas'.

It was also decided to put another avenue with the name of 'María Moliner' in this same urbanization, as well as in a street of Sangonera la Seca.

Also, the district of Churra has since 1979 a street dedicated to the scientist Marie Curie.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia / Foto: archivo Murcia.com

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