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The IBAFF XI will offer for the first time a cycle of parallel activities with workshops and screenings over the next few weeks (14/11/2019)

The deadline to register as a volunteer or as a popular jury is now open |

The Murcia International Film Festival (IBAFF), promoted by the City of Murcia and born at the Puertas de Castilla Center, will celebrate its eleventh edition from February 28 to March 7 with the Francisco Rabal Regional Film Library as venue and will provide to the public the option of experiencing other ways of understanding cinema.

The Councilor for Culture and Heritage Recovery, Jesús Pacheco, explained that "the IBAFF has been working for years for a society committed to cinema, as well as generating the creation of networks of Murcia that promote a quality cultural life and participate actively at the festival. "

The main novelty of this year is the creation of a program of parallel activities, with film cycles and workshops, which "represent the starting gun of the IBAFF XI giving greater visibility to the festival and promoting the involvement of Murcia from now on," has pointed Pacheco.

The bases of the IBAFF XI are now available on the ibaaf.com website.

The works presented, whose registration is free, may be of all genres, any language and free theme, although the selection will emphasize the proposals that combine radicality, formal requirement and narrative searches beyond conventional cinematographic forms.

To register the films, whose production must be after January 1, 2018, you just have to fill in the form available online.

The deadline will end 15 after its publication in the BOE.

"We trust that the IBAFF is a window for Murcian production and we hope to repeat the figures of other editions, with an annual average of 350 works submitted, 70% short and 30% long, both fiction and documentaries from the five continents."

A selection committee chosen by the festival management will determine the works that will integrate the IBAFF XI.

The jury will be composed of experts related to the film industry, the media, culture and the arts.

This jury will deliver the Best Feature Awards of the Official Section, endowed with 8,000 euros, and Best Short Film of the Official Section, with 2,000 euros.

In addition, an Audience Award will be selected for both categories, awarded by popular vote during the festival.

The IBAFF Young prize -voted by students from institutes of the Region of Murcia- will also be awarded;

the Solidarity Screen Award -voted by different groups that the festival invites to participate in its programming as hospitalized patients, people with special needs or inmates of prisons-;

the Arrebato Prize - with which the festival recognizes the trajectory, evolution and firm interest in discovering new cinematographies to the public;

and an Honorary Award.

"The IBAFF has been working for years for a society committed to cinema, as well as for generating the creation of networks of citizens that foster a quality cultural life and actively participate in the festival," said Pacheco.

For this reason and to ensure that the vote is democratic and fair, this year the IBAFF XI again offers 30 places to participate as a Popular Jury for the films screened in the Official Section.

Those interested should commit to the attendance and viewing of the films of the Official Section from February 28 to March 7 and register through a request that can be downloaded on the web and must be sent by mail to juradopopular@ibaff.es.

The registration period will be two months, from November 20, 2019 to January 20, 2020.

The call for the Volunteer Service is also opened, which allows citizens to collaborate in their process and execution, bringing them closer to the cinema and its management and offering the possibility of actively participating in its processes and exhibition.

In this case, the collaboration of IBAFF volunteers - from February 15 to March 15, 2020 - focuses on auxiliary services, always under the supervision of professionals and an IBAFF coordinator.

To do this, you have to meet a series of requirements, such as being over 18 years of age, and go through a selection process after sending an enrollment form to volunteers@ibaff.es.

IBAFF Young Call

The festival shows special interest in education and young people.

Thus, it seeks the direct participation of students by fostering an educational project of international dimension, in which it works with the teaching staff of the educational centers around the value of new technologies and the media, as well as their linkage and use for the genesis and development of the audiovisual arts.

The IBAFF Joven offers young people in the Region of Murcia the possibility of actively participating in the IBAFF festival, through cinematographic training, the viewing of short films, as well as the scoring and delivery of the IBAFF Joven prize.

The festival is aimed at CIES and CEIP interested in developing the audiovisual skills of their students and offers the possibility of participating in 10 centers, which will commit themselves to view the selected short films (in two possibilities, in the educational center or attending the theater of cinema provided by the festival) and to rate them following the methodology established by the festival.

In addition, they will have the possibility of having a training session in cinema.

The registration period will be two months, from November 20, 2019 to January 20, 2020.

IBAFF XI parallel activities

During this month of November and next December, IBAFF will offer for the first time different parallel activities such as projections and workshops:


This International Animation film series proposed by the IBAFF breaks with the conventions and the most commercial patterns, offering children current themes and formats and new ways of telling through traditional or experimental animation.

Free admission, it is a cycle designed for children to know the world through the design and design of animation factories representative of the five continents.

In this edition the cycle travels to Argentina and Uruguay, countries that live an awakening of animation studies with drawings of social and indigenous themes.

'Anina', by Alfredo Soderguit.

(Uruguay, 2013).

Duration: 80 '.

Thursday, December 26.

At 6 pm

Center Doors of Castile.

The school and its ins and outs.

A girl will go through different adventures after resisting the teasing of her classmates due to the peculiarity of her palindrome name.

And it is that Anina Yatay Salas can be read the same in both directions ...

'Pachamama', by Juan Antin.

(Argentina, 2018) Duration: 71 '.

Friday, December 27.

18 hours

Center Doors of Castile.

Tepulpaï and Naïra are two small inhabitants of the Andes mountain range when the Spanish conquerors arrive in Peruvian lands.

Accompanied by a flame and an armadillo, they will seek to bring back the most important symbols for their people.


Behind every cultural event, activity, center or institution there are teams of people and countless hours of invisible work for the competition.

'Behind the culture' is a cycle that aims to look through the lock of art and culture, to see the creative processes of production, management, distribution and exhibition in the most diverse formats.

This first edition takes the viewer into the bowels of museums, where the efforts of many professionals make it possible for us to observe and enjoy from classical art to contemporary art.

'The great museum', by Johannes Holzhausen

(Austria, 2014).

Duration: 94 '.


Thursday November 28.

At 20 hours

Center Doors of Castile.

Documentary that analyzes the works of the Kunst Historical Museum in Vienna showing unknown aspects of this emblematic institution, which owns a large art gallery, which is presented as a vehicle for displaying the art, culture and image of a Nation.

'At The Museum'.

New York MoMA

(USA, 2017-2019).

Duration: 160 '.


Friday, November 29.

At 20 hours

Center Doors of Castile.

Documentary series that with visitors, artists, managers and other workers of MoMA as guides shows the hidden face, the inaccessible, the bowels of the museum: From the remodeling of the wall that holds a Picasso to the vision of the workers on contemporary art


Silent cinema - or what is the same silent, quiet, calm - breaks structures and borders.

The primitive language of the cinema mutates in new forms that come to the present as strange experiments, overwhelming documentaries, films as contemporary as old, machines and people transforming reality to make it infinite.

The first cycle of 'Silent and Nosy' proposed by the IBAFF lands in India, where folklore and romances, the exotic setting with wild animals of the jungle and the veils in the wind, transport the spectator unknown world of the princes of the S .XX.

'Shiraz' by Franz Osten

(India, 1928) 97 '.

Muda (English subtitles)

Thursday, 12 December.

At 8pm

Center Doors of Castile.

Adaptation of the play Shiraz, by Niranjan Pal.

It tells the story of Selima, an orphan princess raised by a potter, and Shiraz.

The princess will be kidnapped and sold as a slave to Prince Khurram, future emperor.

'Prapancha Pash', by Franz Osten.

(India, 1929).

74 '.

Muda (English subtitles)

Friday, December 13.

At 8pm

Center Doors of Castile.

Based on the epic The Mahabharata, it is the story of two rival kings, in love with the same woman, who play the kingdom in craps.

The loser becomes the slave of the other, but soon discovers that he cheated.


Education in the audiovisual field is a priority for IBAFF.

The Murcia Film Festival defends the need to maintain a film education in the city throughout the year that subsequently affects the creation of public for the event.

Therefore, edition after edition, workshops and training seminars for children and adults are scheduled.

During the months of November and December 2019 there are three workshops that are offered within the proposed parallel activities.

Registration forms can be downloaded at www.ibaff.com.

Those interested should send the request to workshops@ibaff.es.


Basic Film Workshop.

The fascination of the look.

25, 26, 27 November / 2 and 3 December.

Center Doors of Castile.

From 18 to 22 hours.

The workshop 'The fascination of the gaze' offers the basic knowledge to begin in the cinematographic world as an active thinking agent, making the student aware of the codes and elements involved in the work and in the cinematographic process.

The main objective of the course is film literacy.

For this, a tour of the main knowledge on which thought and reflection can be built is made, overcoming the passive phase of the cinematographic act.

The contents have been organized into 12 themes over 5 sessions.

The course, taught by the collective The Scenic SOPA offers between 20 and 25 places for students from 14 years.

WRITING WORKSHOP FOR MOVEMENT Film script and dramaturgy.

From December 17 to 20.

Center Doors of Castile.

From 18 to 22 hours

This workshop aims to bring participants closer to the world of writing destined to come alive and move, to become images, voices, paper dreams brought to the viewer's mind.

The objective is that they acquire the basic knowledge of literary creation, character construction, scenes, structures, dialogues ... What is necessary to create plausible or interesting scenes that can be represented.

There will be 4 sessions, with 20 places for adults.


Film and Narration Workshop.

Days 4, 9, 10, 11 and 16 of December.

Center Doors of Castile.

From 18 to 22 hours.

The workshop 'Towards visual awareness' allows us to discover the narrative and narratological essence of cinematographic art.

Bring from the unconscious to the conscious characters, situations, places ... The main objective of the workshop is to learn, analyze and recognize the technique and art of the narrative, diving in its different possibilities through hundreds of examples that run through audiovisual art from Its origins to the present.

The Workshop aims to offer tools that allow the viewer-thinker to decode the audiovisual narrative elements favoring their understanding, their interpellation within the same film, between different films and with other artistic disciplines.

The contents have been organized into 10 topics throughout 5 sessions.

Minimum 10 participants and maximum 25. From 14 years.


Under the academic direction of Caimán Cuadernos de Cine, the course aims to promote reflection on the meaning of the images, provide basic notions for the interpretation of the cinematographic text, know the criteria for analysis of the film, review the main theories and critical trends , understand the different models and professional spaces for the exercise of criticism, as well as offer professional guidance to students.

Soon the dates and times in which it will be held and the opening of registration will be communicated.

The assistance is free, until 80 seats are completed.

More information at seminarioibaff@ibaff.es

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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