From the municipal group Podemos-Equo have shown their "surprise and stupefaction" to the statements made by the Vox group in the City of Murcia before the aggression suffered by one of its members on Monday.
The spokesman of the group, Ginés Ruiz Maciá, has considered "very dangerous that the parties throw firewood in the face of such acts" after blaming the formation of ultra-right to Podemos of the aggression suffered by one of its militants.
"We condemn the aggression, of course, and we regret that this man had to go through this situation, but we will not tolerate being blamed and criminalized in such a free way."
According to the media, Vox sources in the City of Murcia have blamed Podemos for the aggression suffered by its member in Cabezo de Torres, arguing that the statements of the purple formation create a favorable environment for this aggression.
Given this, "we cannot tolerate that, even if we know that the aggression is of an ideological or personal nature, the responsibility is discharged in our party."
For this reason, "we ask Vox to withdraw his words and act sensibly."
Source: Podemos-Equo